- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The Biggest Secrets

Enviado por   •  21 de Julio de 2013  •  205 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  347 Visitas

A free world?

“Am I a spaceman? Do I belong to a new race on Earth, bred by men from outer

space in embraces with Earth women? Are my children offspring of the first

interplanetary race? Has the melting-pot of interplanetary society already been

created on our planet, as the melting-pot of all Earth nations was established in

the USA 190 years ago?

“Or does this thought relate to things to come in the future? I request my right

and privilege to have such thoughts and ask such questions without being

threatened to be jailed by any administrative agency of society... In the face of a

rigid, doctrinaire, self-appointed, ready4o-kilI hierarchy of scientific censorship it

appears foolish to publish such thoughts. Anyone malignant enough could do

anything with them. Still the right to be wrong has to be maintained. We should

not fear to enter a forest because there are wildcats around in the trees. We

should not yield our right to well-controlled speculation. It is certain questions

entailed in such speculation which the administrators of established knowledge

fear... But in entering the cosmic age we should certainly insist on the right to ask

new, even silly questions without being molested.”

The scientist, Wilhelm Reich, writing in his book, Contact With Space. Reich

died in a United States jail on November 3rd 1957.


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