Unacceptability of abortion
Enviado por MARIA JESUS ARIZTIA VON WUSSOW • 8 de Mayo de 2016 • Ensayo • 787 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 321 Visitas
Unacceptability of abortion
Each year, there are 42 million abortions performed around the world (WHO, 2004), which means that more than 100,000 unborn are killed every day. For many, abortion seems to be the right decision at the time, but this essay will seek to prove that abortion is not acceptable under any circumstances. We will see that this act leads to the devaluation of human life, it acts against the international agreements on the right to life and it can lead to medical complications that may later cause great damage to the mother, so it should not be accepted or justified, whatever the situation under which it is caused.
In the first place, abortion leads to the devaluation of human life because is proven that life begins at the moment of conception, that is, since the fusion of gametes that occurs to produce a new human being and, therefore, abortion is murder because it is the act of taking human life. Many people think that, still being so small, the embryo does not have dignity as a person, but the desire or not desire of having a baby does not affect the dignity and intrinsic value of a person. The child is not a thing, is a human being with power to develop all the characteristics that define one. Thus, the embryo has human dignity by being a human being and abort, would undermine this dignity and value of the one on the way. In addition, is an innocent person who is developing and growing inside the uterus, so the baby does not deserve that his being and dignity be devalued because of something that has no guilt. People who oppose this thought asserts that most abortions occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, where the existence of the embryo depends entirely on the mother, unable to exist outside of the uterus, so they can not be considered an entity independent and a real person with dignity.
In the second place, abortion acts against the international Agreements on the right to life. As mentioned above, the embryo is considered a person from the moment of fertilization, so that abortion should not be legalized because fails respecting and ensuring the right to life. Taking into account article that guarantees the right to life and the biological basis that confirm that a person is person from the time of fertilization, a State should conclude that by being a person, the embryo has the same rights to be respected than any other. (Too confusing)That is why before birth, the child should have the rights and needs of protection and these should be met. Many people question the right to life of the embryo, claiming that being a human is not the same as being a person. However, since the fundamental principle of human nature is abandoned, ie, a "something" of man to the universal and distinct from the animal, it is no longer possible to claim respect for the man.