Understanding the meaning
Enviado por Lisbeth Alava • 17 de Septiembre de 2018 • Apuntes • 727 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 114 Visitas
Names: Alison Alava Delgado
Instructor: Rick Pittenger
Opinion essay: Understanding the Meaning
Class: L004 - 010
Due date: August 1st, 2017[a]
Understanding the Meaning[b]
Biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation and more, terms that are always misunderstood. [c]They will be explained bellow. [d]Have you been thinking this whole time that just two genders exist? Let me tell you: You have been living unconsciously but it’s okay. Gender and sex are pretty different and most of the people have mistaken these words. The millennials generation (1980-2000) have been part of the change, change that can be taken positively and negatively. I will enlighten you, it can be annoying but just read.
Biological sex which is assigned at birth, normally is a doctor who judges you as feminine or masculine these two words are also known as binary genders, but here is the problem: A girl has born, ‘-It’s a girl -says the man with blue clothes and smiling face- to her parents, the girl who internally is not a girl was assigned directly her gender[e]. He just saw the genitalia and it was his final verdict. She is a G I R L for all society. Now the things take a different path, with the past of the time the ‘girl’ [f]hasn’t felt as a girl, she has been feeling more boy than a girl, in this cases we use the word transgender, an umbrella term used to refer to people whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond to their birth sex. [g]Here are used the acronyms FTM/MTF or also FTF/MTM. And other terms that are closely linked as a transsexual concept that confuse transgender and transvestite whose is a person who dresses in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex, this does not imply that the person who transvestite wants to be of the opposite gender, many people do it for fun they are also known as crossdressers; transsexual one who wants to be considered by society of the opposite sex some transsexual undergo surgery to finally achieve what they want.