- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  10 de Enero de 2014  •  441 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  296 Visitas

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Awesome Valentine’s Day

I had never been a fabulous day in my life like that. It was on February 14th, 2005. I was 17 years old. When I arrived to my school and I saw a big thing on the wall. That was awesome. I was watching it for about 30 minutes, I opened and closed my eyes and I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know that it was only just the begun.

This was my first Valentine’s Day, I was very excitement. I had never imagined something like that. It was a big poster saying I love Endy. I was shocked and surprised. Who made the beautiful poster? When the person had done it? What time put that? I had not idea who had made that, I needed to know. I couldn’t be with that uncertainty!

I asked to friends and nobody was saying anything to me. A friend gave me to letter that was to meeting in honor of me, It was made for the person who made the poster. That was incredible, fantastic, and special. I could not to say a word because I was very surprised. Here was my chance of know that incognito person!

Even though I had a lot curiosity for to know who that special person was, I decided to go home to change my clothes and put a little makeup. I had to look beautiful. I put a red blouse, a white pants, and black heels. Although the party started at 5:00 p.m., I wanted to arrive earlier. I was very anxious! I drove to the address that was in the letter, when I come, this was more fabulous than I imagined!

Tears formed in my eyes as I saw that house with a lot poster saying I love Endy, Do you want be my girlfriend? That was wonderful, the entry was covered with red and white rose petals. Although I didn’t know who made it for me, I was imagined who could be! I knocked on the door and effectively that person was my best friend, I was in love with him but I was not sure if he was with me. I hugged him very strong and told him that I want to be his girlfriend. He had prepared a dinner and we had a romantic moment. We had a special time, we told and watched a movie. That was fantastic!

That February 14th was memorable for me. I will never forget that awesome day and that special men. Until today, I am very grateful with him even though we aren’t couples right now. He was my first Valentine’s Day.


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