- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Visit Museum

Enviado por   •  25 de Septiembre de 2013  •  229 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  265 Visitas

First of all because I visit the police museum, where there were two of the best and interesting exhibitions.

* Serial Murderers

* Sorcery and werewolves

Well the most caught my attention was that of Serial Murderers so I decided to enter this.

I been in this exhibition there was a cubicle where a young imparted us some orders and we explain some things, but we also awarded one Mp3 which already had saved and recorded all the explanation on the exhibition.

After that you gave us all, started our tour which consisted of two dark rooms that each contained seven capsules of the most famous murderers worldwide.

The sceneries I had every murderer, were very well designed as well as the entire explanation, but the only problem is that after a while you were starting to get bored, mostly because I miss more interactivity, more ways to explain it.

Leaving behind the disagreements worth mentioning that there are positive comments.

I get excited to see several murderers around the world and not just relied on our country.

For me personally my attention several murderers such as Jack the Ripper, Charle Manson, Ted Bundy, John Wayne the Clown and in particular, all Mexican Murderers only remember to Mata Viejitas, the Narco-satanic and Chalequero .

All these murderers have in common the same number of victims, the same techniques of torture and the way in which have paid their crimes.


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