What is woman abuse?
Enviado por julia2287 • 20 de Junio de 2015 • 266 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 171 Visitas
What is woman abuse?
This may be called domestic violence, family violence, wife assault or partner abuse. We use these terms to describe violence against women in their intimate and private relationships.
Some examples of the kinds of relationship we mean are:
• husband/wife
• common-law couple
• same-sex couple
• boyfriend/girlfriend
In some cases:
• mother-in-law/daughter-in-law
• child/parent
Types of abuse:
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is the intentional infliction of pain or injury by:
• punching, strangling, burning, or shooting
• using a weapon or other objects to threaten, hurt or kill
• poisoning
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is any form of forced sexual activity, including unwanted sexual touching, sexual relations without voluntary consent including:
• rape
• forcing a woman to watch or take part in pornography
• forcing a woman into sexual acts
• forcing a woman into prostitution
Psychological/Emotional Abuse
Psychological or emotional abuse is the use of systematic tactics and behaviour intended to control, humiliate, intimidate, including:
• verbal aggression
• forcing a woman to do degrading things
• stalking or harassing
• threatening to harm or kill children, other family members, pets or prized possessions
• threatening to commit suicide
• controlling a woman’s time, actions, dress, hairstyle, etc.
• preventing a woman from seeing a dentist or doctor
• not respecting a woman’s privacy
• belittling a woman through name-calling or descriptions such as “stupid,” “crazy” or “irrational”
• accusing a woman of cheating or being promiscuous
• leaving a woman without transportation or any means of communication, especially in isolated or rural communities
Social Abuse
• putting her down or ignoring her in public
• not letting the woman see her friends or family, making a scene, being charming with others and aggressive with her
• embarrassing the woman in front of her children, using children as a weapon, not taking responsibility for children
• cutting a woman off from friends and family
• forcing a woman to be part of illegal/criminal acts