- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Enviado por   •  15 de Marzo de 2015  •  327 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  210 Visitas

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Signature At Davie

5911 Toscana Drive #1137


FL, 33314


Dear Ms. Perez:

There is a situation that has happened since last April. Our neighbor who lives downstairs (apt. 1127) started knocking the walls every single day and night. It was not that bad at the beginning but eventually he started doing it more frequently and louder. In addition, we thought that he was doing it just to bother us because he actually did not have a justified reason to do it. We are never at home and as soon as we get there he starts knocking. One day, we were sleeping and he started knocking really loud in the middle of the night around 3 am and he did not stop until the police came over. We had to call them because we were very scared. However, he did not open the door when the police knocked his door.

In another opportunity, he started knocking around 10 pm and he came upstairs and knocked our door really loud while we were studying. We did not open him because we were scared as usual. Furthermore, we started ignoring him because he was doing this every day and we thought that he had a mental disease. However, last Wednesday, September 10th we had to call the police again because we experienced the scariest night ever. We were sleeping and he knocked our door desperately. As usual we did not open him because we don’t know what he is capable of. Then, he took the mat that is in front of our door and he throwed it with no reason. He came back to his apartment and he did not stop knocking the walls. Therefore, we called the police again. The police came over but he did not open the door again. For this reason, we have been scared every day and night because we don’t know what is causing his attitude against us.

Thank you for your help,

Mariana Inojosa


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