- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Casa De La Amistad

Enviado por   •  13 de Agosto de 2014  •  376 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  257 Visitas

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Casa de la amistad para niños con cáncer IAP

Is a private assitance institution that since 1990 has worked on benefit of children and Young people with few resounces with cáncer in México

Its misión is contribute to the right against cáncer, giving cáncer treatments and supports the require children and Young people with few resources in México.


Volunteers are a group of more than 130 people mustly women which give their timeand taled nonprofit.

They are a strength indispensable for optimum operation and compliance to misión of casa de la amistad. With their actions and ongoin commitment, it enriches and Project the image of institution. Contributes to the permanence of the institution fulfilling the misión.


In 1990 the marriage “Garcia Moreno Abizaid” sensitized to the problems generated for the cáncer in mexican children without means and what implies

Joins forces whit a group of Friends whit whum constitute he profective foundation for children with cáncer. Statutes are formed a patronage.

Which is the cáncer?

cancer isa desease in which there are immature cellswitha uncontrolled growth and does not have a specific function in the body with the ability to invade different organs.

What treatment is required?

Chemoterapy, radiotherapy and surgery if necessary “BMT” (bone marrow transplant).

Cáncer in mexican children is a social problem that represents the second cause of death in children aged 5-14 years.

Childhood cáncer can manifest as leukemlas, lymphomas, brain tumors, soft tissue tumors, germ cells tumors, retinoblastomas an neuroblastomas and others.

Childhood cáncer is curable betwen 60% and 70% of cases when detected in its earty stage.

How to donate?

Donate onlineby creditcard an debit


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Experience “Rapunzel Movement”

“casa dela amistad” made movement to raise funds and donate hair to make wigs for children and women whit cáncer.


6 Years ago when i was in high school i Heard about this movement and whitout thinking i decided to donate my hair. Gave me great satisfaction to make this act as my mother had cáncer 9 years ago and i know i made someone happy.

Now every year i donate some money and invite my family and Friends to also do so or to donate your hair to someone who needs itand will thank you.


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