- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

ECOSOC (Consejo económico y social)

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ECOSOC (Consejo económico y social)

Presidente: Santiago Sotelo A.

Delegates, presidents, co presidents and each of the members present in this hall, it is an honor for the ECOSOC organization to be able to participate in this important event. Not only are we here to present our opinions and possible solutions to the problematic situations that concern our committee, but also to hear and learn about the same type of issues which your organizations are about to present during the course of this reunion. Our team and its members are well prepared for each of their presentations in regards of clearly exposing the reality of the analyzed country, relating it in every moment to the topics that are about to be exposed, an important characteristic that our organization would like to see from yourselves as well. Please take into account that this is the first version of the United Nations Model, so it should be noted that even if it can’t be developed perfectly, our organization is committed to make a big effort in terms of well fulfilling the basic structure requirements that conform the Model by having a respectful and serious attitude with the topics that each and every organization has to describe.

Without further ado, let us commence with the best of luck in the duration of this United Nations Model, hoping that it serves as a new step for our institution and as a basement for future similar events that might be held here.

TOPIC A: Inversion on CIVETS

The acronym CIVETS denotes a groupof countrieswhosefuture growth expectativeis considerably big in terms of the next twenty years in the future. Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa are the nations that arrange this acronym, product of some economists having analyzed that these countries have the overall potential to grow economically thanks to the natural resources and external relations they have with more developed states, and despite the inner social conflicts they may have themselves.

Economically, these countries have shown an extensive growth of their GDM (Gross Domestic Product), and promise to keep going in the same way for the next 20 years. The growth expectative on their GDM is around 4.5% in the next two decades, in comparison to the 1.8% which the G-7 countries may present in that lapse of time. In addition, the CIVETS possess a large young population, which makes them more attractive to the labor market, ranging from 240 million young people in Indonesia to 49.5 in Colombia. Another factor that distinguishes the CIVETS is that they have acquired a well based political stability and a hard positioned economy, traits that have helped them to survive the global crisis that affected a great percentage of other nations.

However, the economical investment over these countries should not be too intensive, because they may develop inner crisis themselves or a phenomenon called the Dutch disease. Said phenomenon consists in the relation between the increased exploitation of natural resourcesfrom a country’s territory and a decline in the manufacturing sector, given that almost the totality of the revenues that enter a country are utilized only for an economic sector, leaving other important sources of raw material stagnant without any possible support, thus unbalancing the country’s economy altogether.

Guide Questions:

• May other countries be benefited in the same way like the ones belonging to the CIVETS? Is your country one of them?

• Is the large young population in each of these countries a real benefit, or does it just add up to the overpopulation problem in the world?

• Can your country be benefited with the investment in the CIVETS? If it is part of it, can it benefit other countries without affecting the main course of its economic growth?

• May Egypt be excluded from this group of countries due to its still present inflation levels?

TOPIC B: Stability of European monarchies


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