Enviado por yurlenis • 10 de Marzo de 2014 • 2.432 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 212 Visitas
Ecotourism is an activity that takes place in contact with nature. In this article we discussed the importance of ecotourism as a tool to improve environmental education of the population. For this we have developed a methodology based on interviews and knowledge destination. The study focuses on a developing country
Key words: Environment education, Ecotourism, Developing Country, Environment.
The world's ecosystems provide environmental services without which man can not live. As an integral part of nature, our destiny studied. But in these ecosystems also develop sports activities, tourism or educational level. Many of these activities are included as tourism, and as such, are part of a phenomenon that has much weight in the economy of a country. It is a very dynamic sector capable of generating large flows of tourists, directly affecting the economy of the place where the visitor takes a considerable outlay during their stay at the destination. But this activity also causes strong negative impacts on ecosystems, often caused by the same local population.
Environmental education and ecotourism from the perspective of sustainability also means defending a new model of educational relationship in its most profound and radical sense, goes beyond providing assistance to the teaching-learning, intense or that it is qualified. Practice is fostering an attitude of qualitatively different from mere-technical relationship expert professorial teaching which some human sustainability, sustainability of links, emotional relationships, principles and values is derived.
A new century of environmental consciousness is dawning. Under the pressures of explosive human population growth, our planet’s natural communities are shriveling rapidly. They are shrinking on all sides because of the expansion of agriculture, urbanization, damming, forest fragmentation, contaminants into water tables, road building, and even more indirect human impacts such as the invasion by exotic species and the distribution of genetic crops.1 In Nepal, ecotourists flock to hike one of the remaining wilderness regions on the planet, but these hikers have stripped the landscape bare of sticks and twigs for fuel and left trash that spoils the experience for future visitors. In the Galapagos, the burgeoning number of visitors strains these sensitive and fragile islands. The impact of these visitors, manifested by disease, fire, and theft, has altered the natural balance of the island ecosystems. In the last decade, approximately 20 of the 230 species of plants face immediate extinction, and another 10 are thought to be extinct.2 In contrast, I have witnessed the salvation of exploited tropical regions by the interests of conservation and the economy of ecotourism working collectively.
What is ecotourism?
Ecotourists learn about natural as well as cultural history.
Ecotourism is loosely defined as nature-based tourist experiences, whereby visitors travel to regions for the sole purpose of appreciating their natural beauty. As early as 1965, responsible tourism was defined:3
1-respects local culture
2-optimizes benefits to local people
3- minimizes environmental impacts
4-maximizes visitor satisfaction
The first formal definition, coining the term “ecotourism,” was published in 1987: “traveling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations (both past and present) found in these areas.” 4,5 Subsequently, many other definitions have arisen.6-11
The topic is related to the early development of ecotourism and its relation to environmental impact around the protection of the environment , has the fundamental aim to characterize
from a doctrinal and historical ecotourism and practice internationally, for this theoretical perspective we intend to analyze the national and international environmental legislation regulating ecotourism or nature
also referred to as .
As problem around ecotourism as a national and international practice, encourage the application of this practice which is very new and spiritual, this being the main problem . Today tourist seeks not only the quality of services, but the contact with nature and the proper conservation of the environment and according to the World Tourism Organization of the prevailing trends in tourism today is precisely the rise of new forms as what is ecotourism.
Ecotourism has become nowadays a buzzword, there is little consensus on the definition. In the most general terms, ecotourism can be defined on the basis of the nature, average environment, a green approach, ecology or related fields.
Eco-tourism or ecotourism is a focus for activities, tourism in which the preservation and appreciation of the medium is privileged, both natural and cultural, that welcomes travelers. Due to its rapid growth is also seen as a subsector of tourism.
In its most common usage the ecotourism label implies an environmentally responsible travel, undisturbed regions to enjoy the natural environment and culture of the inhabitants of such a medium to promote the appreciation of both natural and cultural wealth of places to visit as to give a tangible conservation monetary value to serve as the argument to convince both visitors and locals of the importance of conserving resources. Although there are different interpretations , usually promoted ecotourism as an ethical tourism, which is also presumed to be
paramount the welfare of local populations , and that presumption is usually reflected in the structure and functioning of companies , groups or cooperatives engaged in offering such a service . Ecotourism is a journey with a certain natural areas, to the knowledge of a culture and natural history of the environment purpose caring and without altering the integrity of the ecosystem , producing
economic opportunities that make the conservation of resources
natural benefit the local population.
Closely related to the ecotourism trails is to find a non-competitive sport , which is performed by trail , preferably marked . Aims to recover the old paths and roads, improve physical and psychological condition . In order to oppose the trend to mass tourism , ecotourism is considered a valuable tool for ecological protection of areas and species.
The sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present