- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  23 de Agosto de 2014  •  564 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  218 Visitas

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Antarctica is disappearing due to the high temperature of the planet and trillions of water gallons are melting into the sea. If the temperatures weren’t so high, Antarctica wouldn’t be melting.

The earth is hotter because of the emissions of Carbon Dioxide, which heats up and deteriorates the ozone layer. If humans didn’t burn so many fossil fuels, the production of CO2 wouldn’t be so problematic.

If Antarctica and Greenland melted, the sea level would rise up to 230.000 feet, flooding and erasing our civilization from the planet, because scientific studies have proved that Antarctica itself holds over 90% of the ice in the planet.

But global warming is not new, it started decades ago along with the industrial revolution. When the first factories and cars appeared in the world, the pollution increased dramatically. If humanity hadn’t developed so much, the temperature of the planet wouldn’t have increased and nowadays we wouldn’t be suffering the effects of global warming.

During the last Ice Age, the ice sheets of the planet expanded and the land mass grew, and then the temperature rose dramatically, melting the ice sheets into the sea which increased the sea levels. Eventually, the sea levels settled in today’s levels. It is said that if it has happened in the past, it’s going to happen again.

Professor Peter Ward was investigating this phenomenon. He found a fossilized coral in a very high location, which led him to infer that: if a coral was alive at such height, the sea levels must have been at least 20 feet over that position.

When the sea levels rise, one of the first victims will be Miami, since this city is located very little above the sea levels and has no defenses against the raising ocean. If the sea levels rise at least two feet, the roads and beaches will be flooded. Then houses and ports that are located near the shore will be ruined. After that, some ports will have to be replaced; the electricity and fresh water supplies will be affected. So, by the time the seal levels have risen seven feet, the city will have been abandoned. If Miami wants to be saved, some levees must be built around the city.

In New Orleans, after the strike of hurricane Katrina in 2005, in which the city was flooded and almost completely destroyed, the government has been spending billions of dollars in the construction of levees to protect the city. So if the city were stroke again by a catastrophe like this, they would be prepared.

Millions of dollars to create sea defenses has been invested by the government, especially to prevent new Orleans from flooding again

Bangladesh has 150millions of habitants that live near to the sea if sea levels rise to 3 feet, it will be devastating for its population

The main problem is that not every country in the world will be able to afford the construction of sea defenses, so governments all over the world will


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