Good afternoon. My name is Felipe Ramirez and I will be the moderator of this panel of discussion
Enviado por 123brayanch • 24 de Mayo de 2016 • Informe • 1.131 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 391 Visitas
Brayan Osvaldo Chindoy Juagibioy
Juan Diego Jaramillo Gallego
Felipe Ramirez Sanchez
David Arturo Serna Balcázar
Good afternoon. My name is Felipe Ramirez and I will be the moderator of this panel of discussion
Here we are today at the Fifth International Forum of mobility with two experts on the subject, which will let us know their views about the problems facing the city of Medellin in this regard and some guidelines which they consider necessary for their solutions.
Well one of them is David Arturo Serna, a civil engineer from the National University, specialist in transport and has a post doctorate at MIT; the other is Juan Diego Jaramillo an urbanist from Senna with specialization in the Luis Amigo and currently Secretary of mobility.
We now turn to the questions, the first is:
- In terms of mobility in Medellin which aspects do you think should be improved, that is, which issues you think are the most important in the city?
- According to these problems what solutions would have you?
- And finally the last question, what viability are these solutions and that restrictions have?
David Arturo Serna
- Nowadays Medellin city have a great financial and industrial development and that have caused that the numbers of vehicles in the city have increased, however the construction of the streets have not increased in the same measure, and that is why the road congestion have increased in most of the streets of the city.
- To fight against this it is necessary to encourage the construction of new streets and connect north and south directly, giving the freeway direct access and build bridges between east - west and west-east.
- This is viable, even the continuity of the north freeway can be obtained through the bridge of Moravia. The construction of bridges that communicate east and west is necessary mainly in the south, for this is required to destinate a right budget, but on the other side this project can be affected by the construction of Parques del río
Juan Diego Jaramillo Gallego
- The main problem of mobility in Medellin lies in the excessive number of cars and motorcycles private, This because of the lack of culture and poor public transport, Because of its high cost and discomfort lead to an excessive and unnecessary use of private transport, on cars populating the city is not ready for this modern phenomenon
- There are different solutions that can be presented to solve the problem of mobility in the city, among them are the elimination of the gasoline subsidy that prevents fuel costs rise , protecting the consumer, Also can encourage the use of bicycles as means of transport , this, accompanied by adequate infrastructure, Improve the quality of public transport in the city , with an integrated, multimodal system , to provide longitudinal and transversal town with a system of rings circunvalares intersection points deploying to the slopes
- As main constraint we found that some of the measures will disagree to popular thinking people , for linking the use of the vehicle for social and economic strata , Please point to find that there is a trend of cultural growth in which the use of bicycles and respect for pedestrian priority, besides thinking about a city for pedestrians and cyclists.
Good afternoon, we found in the 6th world meeting of " Cities for Life" organized by the ONU, today we have the presence of President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia and President Evo Morales of Bolivia, in order to analyze the most innovative city in the world , Medellin, and its management regarding the use of free time of citizens
Felipe Ramirez Sanchez
Hello good afternoon
- For what Juan Diego presented us with, I have several points of about how it handles free time in Medellin, I think one of the big problems that arise are in the cultural area of the city, since young children both girls from lower strata, they are not given sufficient resources, opportunities for study or spend their free time in sports and cultural are not given. I think that in Bolivia you must present the same aspect but not in the same extent as here in Colombia specifically in Medellin, because here in this city for various time there is an ideology of easy money is to spend free time in acts criminals who are very well paid monetarily.
- As for the solution of these problems should take steps in the short and long term for the short term is to improve the institutional network of schools, which do not arise so much corruption as happened recently such as the case teachers and false titles in addition to the absence of several students for which the government paid. While the long term it is consider programs that combat the ideology of easy money through interactive lectures, academic and motor development and recreational activities.
- Already seeing the viability may have, it should be noted that no change is easy to make and much more those who are ideological and cultural nature, so they presented several obstacles but they are workable and quite necessary, especially those who try to change the situation in the short term which is already with what starts.
Brayan Osvaldo Chindoy