- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Graduation Speech

Enviado por   •  13 de Mayo de 2013  •  362 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  300 Visitas

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Growing up is one of the most hardest things and by now I’m about to get graduated for the second time and turning officially into a professional graphic designer.

Nobody said it was going to be easy, and I understood this my first day of class with Saidel Brito, I still can remember it very clearly.

Few months later, while I was getting used to my college life and accepting I was growing up and by now everything I do was only my responsibility, y get to know so many people that today are also getting their tittle with me, thank you so much guys for all.

Mom and Dad, I know you did and gave the best from you since my very first day of school until today, but now is my turn to keep on going all by myself remembering everything you taught me and I know I will never disappoint you because I want you both to feel very proud of me as much as I am about you, thank you for all your love and support.

Some things couldn’t get done if mistakes wouldn’t exist, so I’m also very thankful to all the times my teachers and friends corrected me when I was wrong because from my little mistakes I learned lots of things that helped me through all this time I’ve been developing my graphic designers skills, I’m very sure you need to be born a graphic designer you cannot be made into one, you quit if you don’t have the enough passion you need to reach the final goal, which is this, get your title.

Thank you to everybody who were there for me and my classmates every time we needed, thank you for all the love and comprehension because I know Design is one of the most trashy careers and were always leaving tiny colorful spots in the campus when esquisios were attacking us, and also casos.

By now I said too much, thank you universidad casa grande for the opportunity, thank you so much to all my teachers for your love and patience in all this learning process, thank you so much to everyone in case I’m forgetting someone.


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