- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

La falta de calidad de agua potable en el planeta

Enviado por   •  31 de Julio de 2013  •  Trabajo  •  1.212 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  583 Visitas

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Becouse of water diseases over 2 million people dies every year, most of the victims are children under 5 years old. People is going to start giving whatever they can just to get some water, drinkable water is running out. If it runs out there'll be no life, no society, no culture, no economy, there'll be nothing.

It's estimated that almost 7 million people gets sick in USA becouse they drink tap water wich contains a high amount of microbes, viruses and bacterias.

Besides people, animals suffer too this problem, for example, in polar bears, seals and whales were found industrial toxins In Sena river, also there are not male fish any longer, they have changed sex.

Blood is being poured into the river from the frigorific at El Alto, La Paz and companies aren't even trying to fix that, they just cover with concrete the open parts.

Eurpean companies have started to deliver water on many parts of the world during the last ten years.

Suez has been throwing contaminated water into rivers which local children use to play, they drink from it and get sick. This causes 1 in 10 children to die before the age of 5 in Bolivia, they consume unclean water. Bolivians refuse to water privatization because they do not have enough money to access clean water. Later water privatization was forced in Bolivia because the world bank said that if they didn't do it they were going to be cut off from loans of water development.

Finally Bolivia's government ended up their contract with suez in 2007 and the people of La Paz were given back the water systems.

South Africa.

Without money, forget clean water. The inhabitants were promised to have water in their houses, which they don't have. The majority of people in this part of the world do not have money to afford water, which has to be paid. Their only option it to drink germy water from the river.

Every single service they get must be paid for, for poor people aren’t possible, the rich have no problem.

A lot of private companies travel to developing countries to bring water, they do it with a machine, you have to put a card so it gives you water. Before getting water the consumer has to pay an amount. When you tell people that have almost no money that they have to pay to get water, they will obviously refuse they go and get water from the river where the water is free.


The days of taking water for granted for the citizens of the United States are over since water is running out. A lot of rivers around the world no longer reach the sea.

Water is being highly merchandised, it's business is the 3rd highest being merchandised behind electricity and oil. Those who need water won't be able to afford it, only the rich will.

People thinks that bottled water is safer than tap water but it's been proved that's not right, over 100 brands of water have been tested and arsenic, bacteria and other organic chemicals have been found in bottled water.

In 1977 the World Water Council was created with the intention of promoting water privatization, but of course that's not what they tell to the people, they say they got together to give water to people. A lot of big water companies were present in that founding meeting.

By the times of 1700 and 1800 people had to live with the resources the had but during the 20th century emerged the idea of changing river courses and building dams to contain water, by doing this we're altering ecosystems.


People were promised free house, electricity, water but they were given nothing instead, they had


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