Laboral Reform
Enviado por karelycg • 9 de Marzo de 2015 • 351 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 232 Visitas
The labor reform has 5 main objectives which are:
I. To promote access to the labor market and job creation
II. Strengthen transparency and union democracy.
III. Provide greater supervisory powers to the labor authorities.
IV. Strengthen gender equality, inclusion and non-discrimination in labor relations.
V. Modernising labor law.
To meet the above objectives, the reform includes the following:
• Outsourcing: what it means companies may subcontract to other companies to perform functions within the organization. For that companies can make use of outsourcing, the employer must give the employee specialized activities and may not be identical or similar tasks they perform other workers at your service.
• Hourly workers: states that the hourly wage they can establish between the employer and the worker reaching an agreement, provided that the salary not less than the minimum wage. The working day shall not exceed a maximum of 8 hours per day, employees will have labor rights and social security.
• Paternity leave and maternity: is subject greatly benefits the workers, because the woman when giving birth will be available 42 days inability to care for your baby. If the child (a) presents a problem will extend the license for 14 days for review. Furthermore the father is also entitled to three days to be with his son. It is noteworthy that all these days are with pay.
• Vacancies: This is an issue that affected some workers but also benefit others. Previously, workers could move up depending on their antiquity With the new reform, stipulates that workers may amount to as based on knowledge and skills, It means, through productivity contribution to the company.
• Lost wages: Workers sue a company for wrongful termination, shall receive payment of his salary for one year. If the trial runs, you will pay an interest rate of 2% per month on the basis of 15 months' salary. Moreover, sanctions are set to attorneys who intentionally delaying a trial work fine up to 1,000 times the minimum wage.
• New forms of contracting:
- A test: a test period of one to six months.
- Initial training contract of three to six months.
- Season: day, week, month.
- Telecommuting jobs remotely.
All new hiring counted with salary, proportional benefits, social security and seniority.