- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Mi Historia

Enviado por   •  12 de Agosto de 2013  •  468 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  245 Visitas

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Un día mi hermano acepto agregarle canciones a su disco de ingles, el admitió que no le gustaban las canciones de español, el dijo que el admiraba a lady gaga, yo me quede muy sorprendido, lo afronte y le dije que a el no le podían gustar de esas que a pesar de que cantaba una mujer no le entendía a lo que ella decía, lo aconseje y le dije que mejor oyera las de español, que esas estaban más bonitas, el no estaba de acuerdo, el me permitió que yo le buscara unas canciones en español, cuando las busque le dije que podía oír de Juan Sebastián que el cantaba muy bonito, yo le dije que se iva a entretener con esas canciones y analizar que esas eran muy bonitas y que hablaban de amor, el al oírlas se alegro, le empezaron a gustar y acada rato me andaba molestando, yo me enoje y le conteste diciéndole que dejara de molestar a otro dia me disculpe y le dije que me perdonara que ese dia no andaba de humor, le dije que me parecía bien que le gustaran esas canciones, después nos pusimos a discutir sobre los artistas y ambos apreciamos mucho a calibre 50, a otro dia nos arreglamos para ir a una fiesta donde tocara calibre 50, llegamos y preguntamos que si en donde iban a tocar, intentamos ir a conseguir pareja, entramos a una tienda para evitar que nos atacaran unos cholos.

One day my brother accept add songs to his English album, he admitted he did not like the songs in Spanish, he said that he admired lady gaga, I was very surprised, confronts him and told him that he could not be the like the kind that even though a woman singing did not understand what she said, what advice and told him to better hear the Spanish, that these were more beautiful, he was not agree, let me I seek some songs in Spanish, when I said look I could hear that John Sebastian sang very nice, I said I was gonna entertain you with those songs and analyze these were very nice and spoke of love, to hear was glad, I started liking and acada bothering while I walked, I get angry and I replied telling him to stop disturbing other day and told me to apologize to forgive me that that day was not walking in the mood, I said I was fine he liked those songs, then we started to discuss about the artists and two 50 caliber greatly appreciated, another day we managed to go to a party where 50-caliber touch, and asked if we where going to play, we try to go to get a date, we went to a store to avoid being attacked a cholo.


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