- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Presente pasado simple ingles

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  1. Pon los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta del Present Simple, según sean afirmativos, interrogativos o negativos. Una vez desarrollado el ejercicio traducirlo a español.

A: Do  you  live  (live) in Barcelona?

B: No, I don’t live  (not live) in Barcelona. I live  (live) in Cerdanyola. But my sister lives (live) there.

A: And does  she like (like) it?

B: Yes, she loves  (love) Barcelona. She Works (work) in a bank in the mornings. In the afternoons, she  plays  (play) tennis with her boyfriend or she watches (watch) TV at home. In the evenings, she usually  goes (go) for a walk on the beach or she does  (do) her English homework. She  studies (study) English on Saturdays.

A: She  visit (visit) you in Cerdanyola?

B: She doesn’tcome  (not come) to Cerdanyola very often. I usually visit  (visit) her in Barcelona.


A: Tu Vives en Barcelona?

B: No, yo no vivo en Barcelona. Yo vivo en Cerdanyola. Pero mi hermana vive allá.

A: Y a ella le gusta?

B: Si ella ama a Barcelona. Ella trabaja en un banco en las mañanas. En  las tardes ella juega tenis  con su novio o ella mira la televisión en casa. En las noches  ella usualmente  va a caminar a la playa  o ella hace su tarea de inglés. Ella estudia inglés los sábados.

A: ella te visita en cerdanoyola?

B: Ella no viene a cerdanyola muy a menudo. Yo usualmente la visito en Barcelona.

2- Ejercicio de corrección de errores con el Present Simple en inglés. El proposito del ejercicio es identificar un error en cada una de las siguientes oraciones y escribir la forma correcta.

  • He Works in a shop assistant.
  • He Works in a shop at the station.
  • He have breakfast at 7.30.
  • He does drive to work, he cycles.
  • He starts to Works  at 8 o'clock and finishes at 3 o'clock.
  • He doesn't lunch at work.
  • He normally goes home and eats with his family.
  • In the evenings, Henry studies French.
  • He sometimes plays football with his friends.
  • He watches his favourite TV show with his children.
  • They are  a happy family!

3-Completar el siguiente texto con la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis.

What ____do__ you __think__ (think) is the best way to spend the Christmas holiday? I __am not _ (not be) sure I know. For some, travelling somewhere where it __snows_(snow) is the best option. In my case, I __am___ (be) too lazy to organise anything and plane tickets ___are__ (be) so expensive at this time of the year.

I think Christmas _is__ (be) best spent at home. There are so many things to do at Christmas that you _don’t need___ (not need) to worry about travel arrangements as well. We __usually have__ (usually/have) lunch in the family and __spend___ (spend) the afternoon reading books or watching films. Christmas at home __smells__ (smell) of spiced wine, roast chicken and apple pie. The children __help__ (always/help) us prepare the Christmas tree but we __don´’t turn____ (not turn) on the lights until the 24th.

4-Emplear los adjetivos posesivos para cada una de las siguientes oraciones.

  • Mi ordenador es nuevo

My computer is new.

  • No me gustan sus canciones

I don´t like her songs

  • Su marido trabaja mucho

Her housband Works a lot.

  • Estos son nuestros hijos

Their are our sons.

  • Sus mochilas están aquí

Your bags are here.

  • No conocemos sus objetivos

We do not their goals.

5-Emplear los adjetivos posesivos en cada uno de los espacios en blanco.

  • I live with __my__ boyfriend.
  • We have a very big balcony at the front of ___your__ flat.
  • Thank you for the flowers. It was kind of you to remember __my__ birthday.
  • My dog is always licking _its__ toys.
  • Yesterday I saw Diana with __her___ husband. They were shopping with ___their____ children.
  • When Craig gets home from work, he likes to wash __his__ face, take of ___his__ work clothes and work on __his___  computer.
  • I want to buy __your_ flat. How much do you want for it?
  • Nicole and Tom have sold __their__ house.


6-Traducir los siguientes ejercicios.

  • Soy profesor. Me gusta mi trabajo.

I’m teacher. I like my work.

  • Vivo con mi novia en Nueva York.

I live with my girl friend at New york.

  • Los domingos juego al tenis con mis amigos.

The Sunday i play tennis with my firends.

  • Tú trabajas aquí y tu esposa trabaja aquí también.

You work here and your wifw Works here too.

  • Bill lava su auto todos los días.

Bill washes his car all days.

  • Jack vive aquí con sus padres.

Jack lives here with his fathers.


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