- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Biografía en inglés.

Enviado por   •  17 de Marzo de 2016  •  Tarea  •  256 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  235 Visitas

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Jose Ramon Mendoza Torres

My name is Jose Ramon Mendoza Torres I was born on August 19 and I am from Mexico city. Now I am 15 years old. I study at CECyT number 1. My hobbies are play videogames, swim and computers. I have two cats (Moli and Pelu).In my family we are four people:

My parents (Ramon and Carmen)

My sister (Mariana)

and I

We are a small family.

My experience:

I sometimes go back to my home alone before school, three weeks ago I was on the school's corner waiting for the bus but as I noted it was full, I decided to walk some blocks on Talisman avenue, suddenly I felt someone behind me, then he told me to give him my cellphone rigth away. I doubt to do that but then i saw the guy has a knife on his rigth hand, and then I decide to give my cellphone to him.

I think i did the rigth, because my life is first.

Victor Alcaraz Cuevas

My name is Victor Alcaraz. My this family composed by my 20-year-old brother (javier alcaraz), my 20-year-old sister (martha alcaraz), my 46-year-old dad (fransisco alcaraz) and my breast of 52 years (martha beatriz gonzalez) one of my minor experiences was when I went to the expo tnt and one of the ugly mas was when murio my dog melina

My favorite color is purple because is a fusion of blue and red

My favorite pet is the dog and the cat

My favorites hobbies are drawing Manda and watch anime

My favourites food is the spaghetti and the rice


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