- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Edgar Alfredo Espino Najarro, better known as Alfredo Espino, was a Salvadoran poet. Born in the Department of Ahuachapán, western El Salvador, in the year 1900. son of Harriet Najarro, teacher by vocation, and Alfonso Espino, poet, grew up in a home that breathed poetry and love of art, his brother Miguel Angel Espino also grew to become an artist of the pen but in the field of prose. He entered the University of El Salvador in 1920, signing up in the Court during their staying University City, was part of many activities within it including demonstrations by students to avoid the higher prices of tickets tram. He entered the University of El Salvador in 1920, signing up in the Court during their stayin University City, was part of many activities within it including demonstrations by students to avoid the higher prices of tickets tram. His only book is Tristes gourds, collection of 96 poems, published posthumously by several friends and under the approval of Alberto Masferrer, is one of the books published in their country, its author is the most widely read and discussed but not studied or analyzed in their expression. It has a delicate poetry, translate sought his homeland with a lyrical vision, which he presented in a simple, easy to grasp, therefore, no formal complications, wrote sonnet sand free verse romances .The last years of his life became very adverse, the refusal of parents to consent to her marriage with some young people led him to constant emotional imbalances and loving. To mitigate, surrendered to long periods of bohemian bars and brothels in the Salvadoran capital. It was during one of these crises alcoholic that he ended his life in the early morning of May 24, 1928 in San Salvador. Buried first in the capital's General Cemetery, where speeches were given by style and author Dr. Julio Enrique Avila and then graduates Manuel F. Vasquez-Rafael Chavarria and, in recent years the remains of hawthorn were transferred to the Crypt of the Poets in the Garden of Remembrance private cemetery, south of the city of San Salvador. His only book is Tristes gourds, collection of 96 poems, published posthumously by several friends and under the approval of Alberto Masferrer, is one of the books published in their country, its author is the most widely read and discussed but not studied or analyzed in their expression. It has a delicate poetry, translate sought his homeland with a lyrical vision, which he presented in a simple, easy to grasp, therefore, no formal complications, wrote sonnet sand free verse romances. Edgar Alfredo Espino Najarro, Better Known as Alfredo Espino, Was a Salvadoran poet .Born in the Department of Ahuachapán, western El Salvador, in the year 1900. are of Harriet Najarro, teacher by vocation, and Alfonso Espino, poet, grew up in a home That Breathed poetry and love of art, historical brother Miguel Angel Espino Also I grew to become an artist of the pen But in the fiel

Hugo Lindo Olivares

Was born on October 13, 1917, in La Union, El Salvador, into a family with scarce resources and the good vision to provide its offspring the best possible education within its means.

He attended secondary school a the Colegio Garcia Flamenco, in San Salvador, At the University of El Salvador he studied Law and Social Sciences. He took time off his studies to travel to Chile, a visit that expanded his horizons.

"Obviously that all that broadened my world. Before I left my world was San Salvador, which was then one tenth the city it is today, I was a small town boy dazzled by a five-story building that I could not conceive. A boy who went to the theater and to exhibitions, who listened to conversations and conferences of high culture. It was definitely an enrichment of my spiritual life.

In 1947 a diplomatic mission took him to Korea where he came in contact with a culture which is totally different from that of the west and appreciated other ways to view life.

"I went to a Shintoist wedding and visited several Buddhist temples. In Japan I took part in a Buddhist contemplative seminar and all these experiences were like a forceps that extended a view of the world that wasn't as constricted as the one I had before leaving."

Ever since, meditation practice and the search for the Absolute through introspection became lifelong habits.

Between 1948 and 1949 he was a government officer in some capacity

including that of law counselor to the Justice Ministry. In 1951 he was

appointed, and then elected, municipal trustee.

At the end of the following year he was sent to Chile, first as

chargé d'affaires and afterwards as ambassador until 1959. Having requested,

for personal reasons, a posting closer to El Salvador, he was assigned as

ambassador to Colombia; he remained in Bogota until the end of 1960 when he

returned to El Salvador.


Salvador Salazar Arrué

(Poet, painter and Salvadoran writer)

Born in Sonsonate, on October 22, 1899.

Published his first story, when he was ten years old in the Journal of El Salvador. He paints with great skill, that´s why, his family sent him to study with the Professor Spiro Rossolino (Italian).

After get an scholarship to the Academy part of Corcoran in Washington DC, he returns to San Salvador at the age of 20 years. He exhibited American narrative flow. In his "Cuentos de barro" and "Cuentos de cipotes", he talks about the peasant world. He also published novels, but his real mastery was in the story.

Salarruè is one of the authors who have given to this genus, an universal screening in Central America.

He died in San Salvador on November 27, 1975.

Basic references:

El Cristo Negro (1927)

El Señor de la Burbuja (1927)

O Yrakandal (1929)

Remontando el Uluán (1932)

Conjeturas en la Penumbra (1934)

Eso y Más (1940)

Cuentos de Cipotes (1945)

El Trasmallo (1954)

La Espada y Otras Narraciones (1960)

Vilanos (1969)

Ingrimo (1969)

La Sombra y Otros Motivos Literiarios (1969)

La Sed de Sling Bader (1971)

Mundo Nomasito (Poesía -1975)

Claudia Lars

Claudia's Tombstone at Ilustres Cemetery

Claudia Lars, born in Armenia, El Salvador on December 20, 1899 as Margarita del Carmen Brannon Vega, was a Salvadoran poet. She died inSan Salvador in 1974. She was the daughter of Peter Patrick Brannon and Carmen Vega Zelayandía.

Early life



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