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Enviado por cabala • 20 de Septiembre de 2015 • Apuntes • 666 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 106 Visitas
For starters, Syria is a very small and poor country. But with an Actual densely population. So the ratio proportions of territories have been distributed in a not very intelligent way, so they were unable to get on an actual agreement, it’s important to understand how their social contract worked along them, until they shattered it. Most of Syria’s territory Is desert, only the 15% of the land is appropriate for exploiting their strong economy; the farmland and pasturage.
Almost all Syria is exposed to high temperatures, extreme heat and little rain, excepting the Mediterranean Sea, so the country has frequently dust storms and enduring droughts. it has always been like that but from 2006 to 2011 Syria’s land turned like into a baseball field, with dust everywhere, that means that the topsoil was removed thus their economy and flow of food disappeared almost completely, in part it is also because the rainfalls in Syria on that period didn’t reached the minimum water to maintain agriculture and croplands. To take some measures lots of farmers gave up and searched in the cities for practically no existing jobs and a wide hunger. The UN declared that 3 million of Syrians were starving. Not only that they have to compete for water, food and supplies with Syrians citizens but also with thousands of Palestinians refugees.
it’s important to know that Syrians are hard focusing on the overthrow of the Assad regime as much as their fathers and grandfathers are hard focusing on getting the French out of their country, this troubled situations has a direct and significant impact on the humanitarian needs; food, water, electricity and medical supplies. These basic needs have been stopped in areas that witness armed events.
in 2008 the senior UN Syrian representative turned out for help with UN Food and Agriculture Organization, with a deserved justification; Syria’s economic catastrophe. People was reuniting to claim about hunger strike, citizens were mad and rightly, to counteract Military force took action and tried to suppress citizens but they failed, so what started as a hunger issue in a couple of years gradually became a massive both political and regional chaos. Somehow discreetly triggering the civil war.
According to the World Bank in 2011 Syria´s national income reduced in a range of the 45% by the loss of exported supplies. Their net productivity reduced by at least 50% due to the national income low down but also because Syria´s oil suddenly got lack of quality and it was hard to refine
Due to the dangerous situations from the civil war in Syria, lots of refuges with their have been flying out of the country to take refuge in, Lebanon and Jordan. In the same way since the conflict in Iraq Syria has hosted thousands of Iraqi refugees, from 2006 to 2012 WFP gave food assistance to all of them. in 2010 this great humanitarian association launched a project “food for education”