- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Gordon Ramsay En Los Medios

Enviado por   •  3 de Abril de 2014  •  1.261 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  308 Visitas

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Gordon Ramsay

En los medios

Ramsay empieza su carrera en televisión en 1999 con sus documental Boiling Point and Beyond Boiling Point. Gracias a su carácter fuerte y perfeccionismo lo convierten en un gran personaje que en todos sus programas a la vez que inspira desmotiva reafirmando que el ser chef es mas difícil de lo que parece y a la vez mostrando lo determinado que se debe ser para tener éxito. Entre sus series mas conocidas están kitchen nightmares y hells kitchen. Esta serie a causado bastante controversia dado a el suicidio de dos participantes del programa.

También hace una aparición en la gran pantalla en Love's Kitchen (2011), su primera aparición en el cine, done cumple el rol de aconsejar a un amigo a seguir con su carrera después de una tragedia familiar. Luego tiene distintos roles y apariciones en la gran pantalla.

Tiene notables apariciones en distintos programas desde TOP GEAR hasta los simpsons y south park. Sin lugar a duda es un chef que se a posicionado firmemente en el mundo televisivo. A tomado también el manto de director para la seria masterchief’s top amateurs cooks y como productor de la mayoría de sus series televisivas.

En 2008, saca su primer juego de video basado en su serie televisiva Hell’s Kitchen del 2005 descargable para ipod y ipad al módico precio de 0.99$.

Menos extensa pero no por lo tanto menos importante es su carrera en el mundo literario con varios libros de cocina y una autobiografía que relata toda su historia y carrera la cual da una cara mas humana a este feroz chef ingles.


Un esfero o lápiz en su oreja

Un uso florido del lenguaje (malas palabras)

Su frente


From an early age I understood that cooking was never going to be a job, it's a passion. Poor old Antony Worrall Thompson, poor old Delia Smith, I don't think the penny's dropped yet!

I may have a bit of a side to me that enjoys banter but nine times out of ten it is someone else who throws the first punch.

I have to laugh when someone calls me an a*****e. I've been called far worse than that.

Some can handle it, and some can't. I'm not interested in the ones who can't.

Tana and I have a great marriage, even though we spend very little time together. The time we have together is quality, rather than quantity.

I'll often say certain things just to motivate people or to get something else out of them. People who work for me, and with me, learn very quickly not to take everything I say at face value.

When you're running a restaurant, you have to change with the times; otherwise, the times will change you.

For me, the primary tell-tale sign that I'm on my kids' bad side is when they refuse their allowance.

I wouldn't resort to cannibalism, never mind if I was starving. I'm just not interested in that.

Even if I were single, I could never maintain a relationship with a vegetarian. Their breath is just too smelly.

You know, I have a rough side. I have a smooth side. But underlining all that is an honest side. I have an earnest desire to get things absolutely right.

There's laziness everywhere, whether it's J.P. Morgan not checking where it's $2 billion went, or whether it's a waiter taking for granted his 20-per-cent tip so he doesn't have to bust his ass at his table.

I found myself in a very fortunate position at the age of twenty-two, where I got my ass kicked in France and I learned how to cook. And I always say to my young chefs, become vulnerable. Get yourself out of your comfort zone. It's a great learning experience. I think today everyone plays it safe too much.

If they turn around and say, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, we're going to upgrade you to the honeymoon suite, decline it. For some bizarre reason everyone thinks it's the most romantic place. I did a black light search for germs in the honeymoon suite at one of these hotels. I swear to God it was like a galaxy.

The public should have the right at any time to walk into the kitchen and see how the food is being prepared. You go into a dentist's office and you look around and you're so comfortable with the pristineness. Kitchens should be the same way.


• Boiling Point (1998)

• Beyond Boiling Point (2000)

• Love's Kitchen (2011)

• Masterchef (TV series)

• 2007-2012 Kitchen Nightmares

• 2012 Hotel GB


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