- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Mahatma Gandhi

Enviado por   •  10 de Noviembre de 2013  •  226 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  170 Visitas

Mahatma Gandhi

His name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was bien on October 2 of 1869 in India.

He became one of the most important religious and political leader on the 1900.

He help free the Indian people from the british. He does not like violence.

The Indian people call him Mahatma that means great soul. He marry at the age of 13 with a girl that has the same age.

Gandhi went to London to study law. And return to india. Then he went to SouthAfrica to work. They treat him very bad as a lot of Indian people that where there. He stay in SouthAfrica working for indian to treat them well. He promote non violence, using this principles he made a campaign for Indian independence for the Britians. Gandhi was arrested many times by the British because of his activities, he believe he was so honorable that he should not go to jail but he spend 7 years at prision.

Gandhi fast for a lot of times to impress others and he make that the hindus and the muslims can live together in peace.

At the age of 78 he began another fast stoping the bloodshed, after 5 days the fight stop and Gandhi broke his fast. 12 days later a hindu fanatic was opposed of his program of all creeds and religious and kill him.


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