- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Alonso Quixano is a gentleman in his 50s, he read many books of chivalry that went crazy. One day decided that would knight and Don Quixote would be called and their estimated Dulcinea del Toboso be called. One morning Don Quixote begins his adventure and will appoint a sale because you sir, when you have already made a knight meets some merchants , fights and falls to the ground, he was lucky that his neighbor walked by and take you to his house.

One day he went to see a friend named Sancho Panza, and asks him to accompany her adventures leave. The two of them spend many penalties.

Don Quixote is crazy shows that in many cases such as when he attacks windmills thinking they are giants about when attacking some monks who lead a lady thinking they are kidnappers , when attacking a flock of sheep thinking it's a huge army frees when a galley , when a helmet on his head thinking it puts a hat etc.

One day Don Quixote asks his companion Sancho Panza to carry a letter to Dulcinea, and Sancho is with friends of Don Quixote, the curate and the barber who want to return home, then a woman passed through a princess who wants to kill a giant, Don Quixote falls into the trap and is caged and is taken to his house. In parallel another writer named Allende writes another false second part of Don Quixote.

Don Quixote and Sancho come again this time the target Dulcinea del Toboso Palace search but can’t find it because it does not exist, Sancho begins to deceive his master on occasion as in the fragment of the styling, which passes them by Dulcinea.

A friend of Don Quixote called the bachelor Carrasco goes to fetch him to return home and passed by the Forest Knight who challenges Don Quixote in Sierra Morena teasing him that he has already defeated, but Don Quixote will win.

Later dukes laugh about Don Quixote and Sancho and want to tell them that a princess is delighted des enchant and have to climb a wooden flying horse.

After this to mock give Sancho an island to govern called Baratearia , and Don Quixote , to help , advises you not tell as many sayings are nonsense , that is clean enters other things and do not eat garlic or onions .

The first thing I do is to Sancho presiding trial between two people and then take the palace to eat, but a doctor who cares about his health will not let you eat the dishes and may harm, humiliate and finally Sancho told him that his island will be attacked, but as you are tired of being governor decides to go and fetch his master, Don Quixote. When you have found your love, they go to Zaragoza and rest in a sale where they hear that they are reading the second part of Don Quixote false written by Allende.

Don Quixote is very angry because the book says that he is no longer in love with Dulcinea and


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