START POINT: Posada Los Bucaros, if you group is staying in another hotel please refer to the attached map and adjust the route.
Enviado por Ross Ch • 17 de Enero de 2017 • Apuntes • 467 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 288 Visitas
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START POINT: Posada Los Bucaros, if you group is staying in another hotel please refer to the attached map and adjust the route.
- Exit the hotel RIGHT on to 7a Av N, walk SOUTH for two blocks.
- At 1a Calle Poniente turn LEFT and begin walking towards La Merced.
- Pause at La Merced: The full name of this church is Iglesia y Convento de Nuestra Señora de La Merced, construction began in 1548. Since then it has be reconstructed twice. The current facade dates from the 1850s. You can visit the monastary ruins with its huge fountain (entrance about $1).
- Continue on 1a Calle Pte. past La Merced and turn RIGHT on to 5a avenida N (Arch street).
- Follow Arch st SOUTH, to the park, pointing out various bars and restaurants. Point out Nim Pot (next to Fridas) which houses an extensive collection of huipiles and kites all for sale.
- Upon reaching the NORTHWEST corner of PARQUE CENTRAL turn LEFT and walk to the EAST side of the park.
- You should now be in front of the Cathedral. Cathedral de Santiago was first constructed in 1542 and has been badly damaged by various earthquakes.
- From here turn RIGHT and walk so that you have a view of the SOUTH side of the park. You will now be facing the Palacio de Los Capitanes. Built in 1588 this building was the governmental center of all of Central America from Chiapas to Costa Rica until 1773. Today it houses the INGUAT tourist office as well as Police and governmental offices.
- Walk back to the NORTHWEST corner of the Park and turn LEFT on to 4a Calle Pte. Follow this street WEST, continue past Mcdonalds, pointing LA BODEGOTA (the supermarket) on your left.
- Continue to where 4a Calle Pte ends at Calz de Sta. Lucia. The municipal and artisans markets will be in front of you. Explain that behind the markets is the chicken bus terminal and that the post office is to the left.
- Give PAX the option of exploring the markets on their own or to continue with you back to the hotel.
- Turn RIGHT on Calz de Sta. Lucia and lead the group back to the hotel passing the ruins of Colegio de San Jeronimo on your left.
- When Calz de Sta. Lucia ends turn RIGHT on to 1a Calle Pte. Continue straight for one and a half blocks to 7a Ave N.
- Turn LEFT onto 7a Ave N until you reach Los Bucaros.
Final Note: Be sure to include internet places, cafes, breakfast options, restaurants, bars, banks, atms, laundry etc. which you like and use. Please refer to the Antigua City Sheet if you need suggestions.
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