- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The International Cervantino Festival

Enviado por   •  29 de Noviembre de 2013  •  268 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  297 Visitas

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The international Cervantino festival

to 41 years of its creation, the International Cervantino Festival has established it self as one of the most important in the world, thanks to the vocation of those who have been suporting the team of work.

In 1953 enrique ruelas, teacher of the Guanajuato university iniciated an anual theater show named “los entremeses” from miguel de cervantes Saavedra. In 1972 the president luis Echeverria alvares proposed the creation of an international cultura festival. 14 coutries were working together on theire shows including mexico.

The festival last 19 days whit more tan 3 thousand and 6 houndred artists coming from 31 diferent countries. They will be doing more tan 450 activities in diferent diciplines. The show will be performed inside the 49 theaters, parks and other places of the city.

The festival takes advantage of these many places, both outdoors and indoors, including theater Jaurez, the main theater and theater cervantes. also used the state auditorium, Plaza San Roque, the esplanade of the alhondiga of granaditas and theater of minas. and for the expositions are used rooms of 7 different museums.

The festival represents the arrival of tourists and economic income, an approximation is 423 million pesos, which reprecent an increase of 53 percent over the previous year.

the estimated number of visitors is 179 000, with 463 000 tickets sold for the various events and shows. other 125 000 tourists visited 37 cities and 17 states of mexico in travel related to the festival.

The different Shows performed in the festival are as follows

Visual art, Street shows, film, tributes, dance, music, orchestra, reading room and much more.


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