- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Turn On The T.V. For The Evening News

Enviado por   •  9 de Octubre de 2013  •  241 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  715 Visitas

Turn on the T.V. for the evening news

They got plenty to fear and nothing to do

Another somebody who's gone too far

Makes you want to put up your guard

Fear is easy, love is hard

So we draw up another dividing line

We label each other and we choose a side

Peace could come at quite a cost

So we won't build a bridge across

Fear is easy, but love is hard

Fear will leave you hiding in the dark

But love will bring a light into your heart

So do not be afraid, do not be afraid

I'm sorry baby is what he should've said

But she wouldn't listen even if he did

They'll die without forgiveness soon

But no one wants to make a move

When fear is easy and love is hard

Fear will leave you hiding in the dark

But love will bring a light into your heart

So do not be afraid, do not be afraid

It's hard to bring your heart to a world that can break it

To offer love to those you're afraid will forsake it

But a well-defended heart is always looking for a fight

In a lonely war against an endless night

But love can bring a light

Fear will leave you hiding in the dark

But love will bring a light into your heart

So do not be afraid

It comes down to a simple choice

Shouting devils or a still small voice

One is spreading fear and dread

Oh but love has always said

Do not be afraid

Do not be afraid

Do not be afraid

Do not be afraid


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