Overview of the book "The seven keys for Disney's success"
Enviado por marioeduardo • 27 de Octubre de 2014 • 632 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 770 Visitas
In this book we are going to see how Disney is the world biggest company in the world, according with the fidelity of their clients and how Disney can keep these clients and earn more without giving apart the needing of these two.
Firstable we have to identify the real competence in the market, your competence is not only the companies that sell the same or similar products to yours, your competence are all those companies that could give the client the same services as yours, for example the phone callings, if you sell food by phone, the clients could compare the attention giving in the moment with a phone call they made to a resort, and if they decide that the experience with you, wasn’t equal or better than with the resort, they are not going to call again.
The second key is the attention to the details. There are many people, who don’t pay attention to the minimum details, but the thing is that the unconscious can perceive almost all the details of what we see, so that’s why the details are important. In the case of Disney they put the example of the mural in the castle, the stepsisters of Cinderella one of them is red of courage and the other one is green of envy, and the funny thing is that in the mural, the face of each one are paint in red and green, and we can’t forget about the painting case, they do that because the park looks like if it is new.
The third, praise with the example, is perfect. If you want your casts to doing something, then teach them how to do it, and not only once, every time you can, you have to create an unconscious habit for specific jobs.
Fourth: The importance of the things that you can’t see. Praise with the example is not enough, you have to collaborate, and see what the visitors can’t see. Imagine that you’re in a carousel, you don’t see the paint or the sits, but the members of the cast have to know everything, so when they have to paint the ropes they will know what kind of paint it is.
“Put the ears on” It is about doing surveys for knowing the level of satisfaction of the client, but it also involves members of the cast with costumes of any character of the park, and they manage the role-play, so in one moment they are a character and in the other they are just people.
The sixth key is to “keep the magic in movement”, this refers to the recognition of the encourage of every member of the cast, for example, if someone in Disney receive a letter from one client thanking the attention and the experience, they put the letter in a public station in which the other members could see the letters, and if you receive certain number of letters you can receive gifts as a recognition for your work.
And finally we are behind the scenes, in which everyone is important and makes the difference between the success and failure. We have to understand that everyone in the company is important and