Presentation of the book "Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology"
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Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology © 2004 Thieme
All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.
Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology © 2004 Thieme
All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.
Color Atlas ofHematology
PracticalMicroscopic and Clinical Diagnosis
Harald Theml,M.D.
Professor, Private Practice
Munich, Germany
Heinz Diem,M.D.
Institute of Clinical Chemistry
Munich, Germany
Torsten Haferlach,M.D.
Professor, KlinikumGrosshadern
Laboratory for Leukemia Diagnostics
Munich, Germany
2nd revised edition
262 color illustrations
32 tables
Stuttgart · New York
Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology © 2004 Thieme
All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
Data is available from the publisher
Important note: Medicine is an everchanging
science undergoing continual
development. Research and clinical experience
are continually expanding our
knowledge, in particular our knowledge of
proper treatment and drug therapy. Insofar
as this book mentions any dosage or application,
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authors, editors, and publishers have made
every effort to ensure that such references
are in accordance with the state of knowledge
at the time of production of the
Nevertheless, this does not involve, imply,
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to examine carefully the manufacturers’
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and to check, if necessary in consultation
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contraindications stated by the manufacturers
differ from the statements made in
the present book. Such examination is particularly
important with drugs that are
either rarely used or have been newly released
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The authors and publishers request
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This book is an authorized revised
translation of the 5th German edition
published and copyrighted 2002 by
Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.
Title of the German edition:
Taschenatlas der Hämatologie
Translator: Ursula Peter-Czichi PhD,
Atlanta, GA, USA
1st German edition 1983
2nd German edition 1986
3rd German edition 1991
4th German edition 1998
5th German edition 2002
1st English edition 1985
1st French edition 1985
2nd French edition 2000
1st Indonesion edition 1989
1st Italian edition 1984
1st Japanese edition 1997
! 2004 Georg Thieme Verlag
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart,
Thieme New York, 333 Seventh Avenue,
New York, NY 10001 USA
Cover design: Cyclus, Stuttgart
Typesetting and printing in Germany by
Druckhaus Götz GmbH, Ludwigsburg
ISBN 3-13-673102-6 (GTV)
ISBN 1-58890-193-9 (TNY) 1 2 3 4 5
Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology © 2004 Thieme
All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.
Our Current Edition
Although this is the second English edition of our hematology atlas, this
edition is completely new. As an immediate sign of this change, there are
now three authors. The completely updated visual presentation uses digital
images, and the content is organized according to the most up-to-date
morphological classification criteria.
In this new edition, our newly formed team of authors from Munich
(the “Munich Group”) has successfully shared their knowledge with you.
Heinz Diem and Torsten Haferlach are nationally recognized as lecturers
of the diagnostics curriculum of the German Association for Hematology
and Oncology.
Most physicians are fundamentally “visually oriented.” Apart from immediate
patient care, the microscopic analysis of blood plays to this preference.
This explains the delight and level of involvement on the part of
practitioners in the pursuit of morphological analyses.
Specialization notwithstanding, the hematologist wants to preserve
the opportunity to perform groundbreaking diagnostics in hematology for
the general practitioner, surgeon, pediatrician, the MTA technician, and all
medical support personnel. New colleagues must also be won to the
cause. Utmost attention to the analysis of hematological changes is essential
for a timely diagnosis.
Even before bone marrow cytology, cytochemistry, or immunocytochemistry,
information based on the analysis of blood is of immediate relevance
in the doctor’s office. It is central to the diagnosis of the diseases of
the blood cell systems themselves, which make their presence known
through changes in blood components.
The exhaustive quantitative