State Of The Union
Enviado por cbcisneros • 11 de Febrero de 2014 • 338 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 253 Visitas
The US is now safer and respected around the world.
It is the first time Osama Bin Laden is not a threat and Iraq war ended.
Courage from national defense that work together always!
Last 3 months businesses have created more than three million jobs.
Therefore, the state of our union is getting stronger!
General motors are back on top as the world’s best auto maker!
To business leaders, ask what you can do to bring back jobs to your country.
Cutting taxes for those who want to bring their businesses back home such as moving expenses. Every multi national’s businesses taxes should be given to those businesses that want to bring back manufacturing companies back home.
It is time to stop rewarding businesses that send jobs overseas!
We have doubled exports to other countries.
Trade enforcement unit so countries around the world such as china don’t pirate our software’s, etc.
There will be more inspection to prevent counter fit from our borders.
Openings for skilled jobs.
Train million Americans that will help get them directly to a job.
Teachers matter. Reward best teachers. Replace teachers that aren’t helping children learn.
Every state requires children to graduate until they turn 18 for no drop outs.
Colleges and university must keep tuition low in order to get help from our taxes.
Take on illegal immigration for the help of society as a whole.
Don’t let other countries win the race for the future!
American oil is highest than in 8 previous years. But oil is not enough! Energy that is cleaner and cheaper.
Natural energy power a quarter of a million homes each year.
Take some of the money we are not using at war for the building industry, transportation.
Payroll tax cut must be passed without delay!
Not fair that the wealthy don’t pay as much tax cuts as an ordinary secretary.
Pay fair share of taxes, common sense! Stop subsidizing billionaires.
Washington is broken. We must be UNITED! When we act together, there is nothing American can’t achieve. We all have a common purpose!