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That Is The Political Constitution Of The Mexican United States

Enviado por   •  26 de Noviembre de 2013  •  860 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  666 Visitas

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That is the Political Constitution of the Mexican United States


The Political Constitution of the United States of Mexico understands a variety of laws inside which we will explain of a form brief and summarized inside this paragraph denoting with it the need to know the points that us concern as citizens, residents or in his fault foreigners since in his extension the Constitution understands 136 very extensive articles, as well as his transitory current ones.


The Political Constitution of the United States of Mexico is the great letter that applies nowadays in Mexico, and is composed by a set of supreme procedure that handle the structure and the relations between the public power, which in addition are rectors of the situation of the individuals opposite to the condition. The Mexican constitution is integrated on two principal parts, a dogmatist who treats of the fundamental rights of the man and who contains limitations of the government opposite to the individuals, and on the other hand organic that gives order to the public power determining the powers of his organs. The history of Mexico shows us in his develops Jose maría los more's solitary presence and pavón that to full noise of the war of independence on September 14, 1813 there announces to the Mexican congress the document " feelings of the nation " product of the vision magisterial statesman of the emblem Michoacana. In the feelings of the nation there is the idea of breaking the chains opposite to any country and establishes that the sovereignty of the people and to the village also him the vision of the power belongs earrings of preserving the freedom of men and women and that the government had to change his tyrannical position about giving step to a liberal government and that the social life had to regulate for the laws sent by the congress moderating the opulence in opposition to the extreme poverty and that the salary had to be sufficient to allow the improvement of life. Hereby without emulating one tries to keep the Mexicans joined creating a company in which all We have rights, obligations and opportunities equally like that Them Dwell it reached to emporar the greatness of Mexico. The constitution was of conservative character being chosen Guadeloupe victory as president of the republic and as vice-president warlike Vicente, in this document one emphasizes that the Mexican nation adopts for his government the form of representative popular and federal republic. And that of the supreme power of the federation for his exercise is divided, in executive, legislatively and judicially. Benito Juárez nationalized the ecclesiastic goods and it gives course to the legality created of the lay and free education with the equality of rights for all.

After position the movement armed of 1910 began to move the idea of putting in practices the laws derived from the alone order constitucionario. It was


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