The plot of "The world is flat"
Enviado por JuanDiegosarsar • 7 de Junio de 2013 • 3.584 Palabras (15 Páginas) • 742 Visitas
Author: Thomas l. Friedman
(Born July 20, 1953) is an American journalist, columnist and author. He is an op-ed contributor to The New York Times, whose column appears twice weekly and mainly addresses topics on foreign affairs.
Title: The world is flat
Pages: 495
Edition Year: 2006
Editorial: Martinez Roca
ISBN: 84-270-3222-6
The world is flat
Chapter One : While I Was Sleeping
In this chapter, the author shows us a trip to various places around the world and then reach conclusion of his theory "the World is flat"
Friedman visit places such as India, where they found various U.S. companies, which are examples to show how the new electronic tools have made it possible to connect the knowledge, regardless of where they are located.
In this chapter, the author presents a historical development of globalization, from the time of colon, the discovery of the New World to today. It also talks about the forces that are flattening the world and the new global order that is emerging.
Chapter two: The Ten Forces Flattened the World.
The fall of the Berlin Wall (09/11/1989) : The fall of the Wall not only unleashed forces that helped to free the captive populations of the Soviet Union, but also brought down the balance of power throughout the world, benefiting those calling for a more democratic form of government, and oriented free trade
8 / August 1995 when new Netscape went public: This second flattened it had two events; the first was with the Internet and the second operating system.
In the year 95 starts the new era of connectivity, with the launch of Windows 95 and World Wide Web (such as global system to create, organize and link documents so that they could easily be expanded on the Internet, developed in 1991 by Tim Berners - Lee), Netscape (as the most popular search engine after its broadcast on August 9 1995, which made the Internet accessible to millions of people)
Work flow software: The development of this flow of information allowed the businessmen and people could buy, sell things, and connect all parts of an enterprise network.
These first three bulldozers, one of nature political, economic and the other two constitute what Friedman. Call it as "the platform of the flan World"
Open-Sourcing: This chapter is about the free access to information sources, these programs were available to all people, which was free of charge (an example of this source of information is Wikipedia). Thus, progress in the field of information technology has been huge, and even large companies have benefited from it.
Out Sourcing: In this flattened, shows us an example with the Indian
for many people, the Indian meant to abandon the path of poverty, others, lose their jobs.
The companies in the world began to outsource, to surrender part of its services to other companies to save costs and thus offer a cheaper product. And this was the case in India. Bangalore is one of the places in the world with a lot of outsourcing. Friedman said that outsourcing has allowed firms to split the services and manufacturing activities in its components, each of the units made in a more efficient and profitable for a good market and consumer
Off shoring: this flattened speak about that many companies move Entire factories to other countries to lower their costs. One example is China with its cheap labor and low taxes for businesses has been the main Beneficiary of this practice. This is a practice that is being done by some Decades, but these effects have been felt more strongly in recent years. This is of a race in which they are immersed in developing countries to attract companies that are willing to relocate Entire production lines. Countries Eastern Europe, for example, have benefited, especially the relocation of factories Automotive.
Supply-chaining: it is about the development of large supply chains in the world. It is a term that refers to a series of processes for the exchange of goods and information between the companies, their suppliers and customers.
Friedman tells of the excitement that you caused him to see action in the supply chain of Wal Mart in central Arkansas. The supermarket chain has achieved an international reputation for its supply chain and the main beneficiaries of a good supply chain are all consumers who profit from the decrease in the cost of the final product.
In sourcing, this flattened speak about the presence of subcontractors in enterprises contracting. Small businesses, they can not develop large supply chains, go to companies that are in the business of the "solutions synchronized. "They are responsible for develop the supply chain of company
contractor. The difference with outsourcing that is, the company subcontracted,
involved in the operation of the company Contracting for analyzing processes
internally, and thus able to formulate a new design. And shows us the example of UPS has become the leader in the field of in sourcing.
In-Forming: this flattened is about free access to information. It refers to Internet search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN. This made it easier for people to get a lot of information in the areas of multi-known academics and allows many people in the world.
The Steroids: The past is flattened about steroids. It refers to the technological advances that have helped deepen the phenomenon of earth flattened "The steroid together all the technological advances and places them in the hands of consumers." According to Friedman, the human being in this era of the "digital, mobile, virtual and personal ", thanks to wireless technology. . and shows us the example of cell phones, iPods, etc.
Chapter three: The triple Convergence
In this chapter Friedman explains that the ten flattening, joined, and were made available to create a rich environment for the flattening of the earth.
The creation of complementary software, Internet and political factors, resulted in several developing countries, including China, Russia, India and Latin America, which opened its borders at the time for creating a path that led to the rapid pace of globalization.
Friedman spoke about the importance tube, for the first time in history, the knowledge of the human being. It has become one of the most important issues of geography, as individuals and businesses have the need to unite to compete in a global market
Friedman is working on common myths about globalization, such as exploring the