- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The abortion

Enviado por   •  4 de Agosto de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  379 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  144 Visitas

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Abortion, is the disruption and premature termination of the pregnancy. In a broader sense, it can refer to the failure to interruption of any process or activity. Some time ago met a story that turned the country, and the Catholic Church, the adoption of the law on abortion in a few special cases, as it would be malformation of the fetus, the risk of the life of the mother during pregnancy, or a rape victim, this generated great controversy in the Catholic Church by the dissatisfaction about this decision. but what was the reaction that took the Church after? would this decision?, how react the Government against opposition from the Church. Frequently asked questions of difficult solution, but that in the long run affect the Catholic community and to those who are not also. Abortion is now is a matter of human rights to women, since the majority of women who have problems in their pregnancy or are victims of a violation think that the best remedy for this is abortion.

According to church abortion is equal or worse to murder already from the day that you fertilizes the egg, the fetus begins to have life and when abortion is made because a life is killing and should be condemned or taken to a legal trial. When it came to public light started a major debate in which the Church criticized the Government and vice versa, the words of the Church was that the Government did not take never note the position of the Church, when in reality the majority of the citizens was of Catholic belief.

In my opinion abortion is not something illegal or so serious to condemn, it is undeniable that in case of risk of the breast or the baby an abortion do not since that is a life that is not fully formed. Because ending we observe that there are two very different viewpoints such as the Church and the Government. On the one hand we have the of the Church, which thinks that abortion, regardless of reasons it's a sin and is like killing a baby and it must be condemned, and on the other hand, the Government says that abortion if it is possible, provided you have a reason as the above mentioned.

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