- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Animales Terrestres

Enviado por   •  17 de Mayo de 2015  •  291 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  246 Visitas

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Terrestrial animals are those who travel by land, by water or air.

Terrestrial animals eat plants and other animals. Some are huge and other very small. According to adapt their habitat can be:

The poles: These are areas of intense cold, snow where it rains.

The moor: Found in the Andes, has a cold and covered in fog.

Here animals are also found as spectacled bears, which have much fur; Condors with their powerful wings and many insects that depend on plants and other animals from this place to live.

The Forest: A cold area with vegetation that reaches heights of 30 meters. Deer, capybaras and many birds are found.

Rainforests: A very wet and site rich in plants and animals such as insects, monkeys, birds, snakes, jaguars, etc. for example, the Amazon rainforest.

The wilderness is located at sea level, where the heat is too high. The animals that live there are snakes, which are on the sand and camels that store water in their humps, besides insects.

As in the aquatic environment, terrestrial animals can live in different places. The body of terrestrial animals is ready to crawl, walk, run, climb or fly, depending on where the land they live on. Land animals from the air the oxygen they need to live; almost all breathe through lungs and eat plants and other animals. Some are huge and other very small. There are also animals immediately after birth can fend for them selves and gold, more dependent, must be helped by their parents until they learn to survive alone

Most terrestrial animals breathe through lungs, which are internal cavities in which the respiratory surface is. Some spiders have book lungs. It is internal cavities whose wall is much folded, forming very thin sheets. This also occurs in many insects.


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