- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Articulo Cientifico

Enviado por   •  7 de Septiembre de 2014  •  1.016 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  209 Visitas

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Sensory quality is the ultimate measure of product quality and success. Sensory analysis comprises a variety of powerful and sensitive tools to measure human responses to foods and other products. Selection of the appropriate test, test conditions, and data analysis result in reproducible, powerful, and relevant results. Appropriate application of these tests enables specific product and consumer insights and interpretation of volatile compound analyses to flavor perception. Trained-panel results differ from dairy judging and grading and one objective of this review is to clearly address and demonstrate the differences. Information on available sensory tests, when and how to use them, and the powerful results that can be obtained is presented.

Key words:

sensory analysis, sensory methods, flavor, texture


When dealing with dairy foods, sensory quality is always involved on some level. The best raw ingredients make the best finished products so sensory quality is a critical aspect of dried dairy ingredients and fluid milk. Sensory perception of finished products such as ice cream and cheese is also crucial. Sensory perception is one of the keys to the widespread flavorful and wholesome image that dairy foods continue to enjoy with the consumer. Due to the integral nature of sensory perception with dairy foods, a sensory measurement is often the final step in many experiments or applications. In some cases, a gross measurement of product quality or consistency may be all that is required; however, for most product and market research, more detailed and complex information on sensory properties is needed.

Sensory science is a relatively young discipline and has been in existence for roughly 60 yr. Many attribute the conception of sensory science to the 1940s with the development of consumer or hedonic food acceptance methodologies by the US Army Corps of Engineers (Peryam and Pilgrim, 1957). However, in reality, sensory science can be traced back to the 1800s, with the development of psychological theories to measure and predict human responses to external stimuli (Lawless and Heymann, 1999a). Certainly, the importance of sensory quality is ageless, with basic capitalism driving individuals to market and sell the best and freshest products because these products demand the top dollar. As with other fields of science, sensory science has progressed with time and continues to evolve; thus, current research should incorporate the most progressive tools available that are suited to the purpose and goals of the research.

Specific scientific methods have been developed to accurately, reproducibly, and objectively measure or estimate human responses to stimuli. Like and dislike are not the only questions that are answered by sensory analysis. Consumer perception and emotional responses can also be addressed (Young et al., 2004); the impact of storage (Park et al., 2006), ingredient substitution (Childs et al., 2007), and package and process variability can be determined (Carunchia Whetstine et al., 2006b, 2007); and relationships can be established between instrumental tests and sensory perception (Avsar et al., 2004; Wright et al., 2006). In fact, dozens of types of sensory tests exist and can be fine-tuned to meet a specific objective. Too often, sensory testing is an afterthought


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