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"The middle Ages and their heritage"

-el autor de este texto propone limites para identificar este periodo

-king of franks was seen as the emperor (first limit)

-in the 1449, when the council of Basle was dissolved (second limit)

-comienza a darse un cambio ya no se podia hablar como antes del Catholic europe

-dsps de 1449 western Europe se considera como un single society

-ellos creian que latin Christendom formed a united repblic, a republic that could go to war

-se sentia que habia union

-pero no se sabia donde recaia el poder. si caia en el papa, el emperador, etc

-base sedition: como Jacob Meyer le llama a los supuestos wars, pq el decia q no eran wars, q el pueblo no estaba dividido, sino q estaba unido

-the slav and avars accepted Charlamagne as teir emperor unlike christian west

-on the other hand , the latin Christendom had a much extended area (bigger)

-the romans called the mediterranean " our sea' pq su imperio contenia toda su costa y por la misma esto hacu=ian comercio

-Latin Christians also took some of this coastline for their own benefit pero llegaron los Flanders ad Baltic a quitarle estos beneficios a ellos para que no siguierasn saliendo tan bien como lo estaban haciendo

-they made friends with the barbarians by aking them their federates or allies

-roman had much unity

-the roman was was something that they decided they would overcome and re-achieve it

-many of the romans wanted to get to be the dominion of the world and they were determined to accomplish this

-Lombards: most important invaders

-there was more unity because even the barbarians responded to the emperorof the roman law, not their own, and everyone listened to the same emperor

-pag 240



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