De cribado en el trabajo en inglés
Enviado por giannine • 1 de Abril de 2013 • Tarea • 274 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 374 Visitas
Meaning: Exercise 1
Directions: In each of the following sentences, decide which of the two meanings best fits the boldfaced word as it is used in the sentence. Write the letter on the blank space.
______ 1. Due to a snowstorm, school was dismissed early.
a. discharged from office or employment b. to direct or allow to leave.
______ 2. We tested the bark to see how old the tree was.
a. the sound made by a dog b. the outer covering of a tree
______ 3. Jane was feeling blue because she got a poor grade on her test.
a. a color b. gloomy or depressed
______ 4. The wind is coming out of the east this morning.
a. to wrap something around an object b. moving air
______ 5. Does your mother play the organ at school?
a. a musical instrument b. part of a human
______ 6. I have the lead in the play this year.
a. to show the way b. the principal role
______ 7. Our town is on the bank of the Mississippi River.
a. the shore of a river b. a place where money is kept
______ 8. Carol knew she would like to have a pickle on her sandwich.
a. a small preserved cucumber b. an embarrassing or difficult situation
______ 9. It is your right to choose which book you will read.
a. that which is due by law or tradition b. opposite of left
______ 10. I can’t bear the wait until my birthday comes.
a. a large mammal b. to endure