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Term Paper

Security in Contemporary Mexico

Raoul Godinez

Impunity for criminal acts

Currently the world has had a lot of changes of various kinds. Unfortunately most have been negative, and have been counterproductive to the human being and his mental and social wellbeing. It is important to have awareness based on these changes that have occurred in most nations, because only then can know how to react to such events. Mexico is not far behind in terms of these kinds of changes, and unfortunately the one that most affected us is the impunity prior criminal acts and organized crime.

In this paper we take the example of Mexico because the first social problem that has been living since the beginning of the government of Felipe Calderón has been violence. So as you can learn about impunity for criminal acts has been developed, as it began, and especially where to take the country. To understand this problem that develops not only nationwide, but worldwide, you have to start from the grassroots to explain. As mentioned above, was used as an example to Mexico because it is a living example of this type of impunity. Based on a study by the Tecnológico de Monterrey, is a fact that 98.5% of crimes in Mexico go unpunished. It also stipulated that the 7.48 million crimes committed in the country during the last year, have been sentenced only 1%. Also noteworthy is that in some respects the citizens do not contribute to the problem. This is not a problem that only lives in Mexico since people generally live in fear of criminals worldwide, especially in countries that are developing. An example of this is that the total crimes committed in Mexican territory, only 22% is reported by the authorities mistrust, and fear of retaliation that organized crime can make. It should be emphasized that 22% of complaints made, only 15% is investigated, and the sad thing is that only 4% manage to complete due to bureaucratic inefficiency. After all this only to 1.75% of offenders were criminally processed.

Now, about the beginnings of the impunity in Mexico, it is noteworthy that the first culprit was the government. You can stipulate that the government was the one that gave rise to organized crime to flourish and expand due to the history that has developed in the country. Everything can be traced from the root, as the Institutional Revolutionary Party let it be drug traffickers, and for 70 years was in charge of creating a culture of unmatched corruption. This type of situation can be linked somewhat to the culture that was established in Russia when the Tsar was defeated and began implementing socialism of Lenin, since the outbreak of the 1917 revolution sociopolitical measures were made in a disastrous and created a culture of corruption, and anarchism like no other. Obviously the history of Mexico was a little different, because the of the attempt to establish a perfect monarchy of the PRI, making people believe that there was a "democracy" when in fact the power remained in the hands of the same. For this they had to implement a series of immoral actions, which can be translated into a single word, "corruption". It is a fact that these actions unfortunately came to define Mexican culture, and modern society is paying the price of this legacy.

Several historians suggest that impunity in Mexico began to develop when the government allowed the Sinaloa Cartel established its activities to provide the U.S. government of marijuana and cocaine at the time of the Vietnam War. But this fact can not be checked at all, but it is clear that the drug cartels have mastered certain regions and this can not be obtained unless the government leave some freedom to criminals, as in other Latin American countries . This in turn leads to lower third and encourage people with less fear or risk to commit criminal acts.

Currently there are people who assault, kidnap, extort and fearlessly because the environment of uncertainty is provided so that citizens do not report crimes, and therefore these go unpunished. This problem must be resolved, and it is a clear fact that the main variable is the individual's moral code.

In order to address impunity one must start from family unit because in this environment is where you begin to develop the individual's psychological reason. In this kind of reason is the moral code, and this has to be molded to the end the individual knows what is right for him, and especially for society. But Mexico has not been able to eradicate this problem because of poor public education, and this also happens in countries that are developing. That's why the only solution to end this disgrace must come from basic education, and you must also monitor it homeschooling because that's where people learn the values to function in a honest and honorable society. Also it is worth to mention is that it is important that each individual from having common sense should develop their own moral code as this makes each person define and find their sense of morality.

Returning to the issue of impunity, it should emphasize the definition of justice, as this is vital for society to unfold in an optimal and efficient. And when a society reaches its optimum efficiency, impunity is ruled out naturally, because the same people and the government would not tolerate such an act. Emilio


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