Detras Del Generador Electrico
Enviado por Zeta21341 • 13 de Octubre de 2013 • 560 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 366 Visitas
As you know we its al ready normal for us to have electricity In our houses and we can do everything with it (watch TV, research on the web, etc.) but we don’t really care what is behind, and how electricity is generated, the only thing we care is to have electricity, because if we don’t we can not do anithing,
In this essay I will talk about how electricity is generated and the importance of an eltricity generator and it functioning (common electricity generator ).
Electricity generators will always have a positive impact to humans if It is used wisely, because we need to find renewable and non contaminating form of generating energy that can then be transformed into electricity.
An electricity generator is an item that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, it maintains obviously a difference between the poles, by the faraday law when you make rotate an spire in an electromagnetic camp there is a variation of the flow of the mentioned camp by the spire and because of that eltricity is generate. An electric generator is a device that can have a difference of electric charges in two different points I mean voltaje , transformed into other forms of mechanic energy and later on in an altern electric current. For constructing an electrical generator it is used the principle of electromagnetic induction discovered by Michael faraday in 1831.
There are two types of generator:
• Chemical Generator: It generates electricity through a chemical reaction.
• Rotating Magnetic-Generator: Generates electricity using magnets. This is the type of generator used in hydroelectric power plants.
Parts of an electric generator are:
• Stator: which is a metal frame covered with copper wires which form a circuit. It is where the magnets are stored. Within this lies the rotor.
• Rotor: Which is a shaft that rotates within the stator driven by a turbine. This rotor on the outside has an electromagnet powered by a small electric current.
I believe that science has interact in a positive in benefit of us humans because as I said before we know depend on electricity if there is no electricity we couldn’t do much things after 6 o clock because at that time it is night al ready, and also mines, fabrics, bakeries, and even milk producers use electricity for making their fabric produce, and if the fabrics don’t produce the economy will go down and if that happen then the countries will have a poor economy.
I believe that in this case science interact in with an economic factor because if there is no electricity in our country then we could not produce anything because as you know our country I a mine country and all the machines that are needed use electricity, so I believe that science helps our economy because all the mines have actions and that actions get more