- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ejercicios de gramática en inglés

Enviado por   •  12 de Marzo de 2014  •  Trabajo  •  223 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  209 Visitas

Can you open the door, please?

Could you open the door, please?

He can (can´t) speak English

He could (couldn´t) speak English when he was 5

You should study for your exam. (Consejo)

You must study for your exam. (Deberías)

You have to study for your exam. (Tienes que)

He should study for your exam.

Should he study for your exam?

He should not study for your exam.

Be going to (futuro una seguridad de hacer cierta cosa. Voy a…)

- He is going to do his homework.

- He isn´t going to do his homework.

- Is he going to do his homework?

• They are going to eat Japanese food.

• They aren´t going to eat Japanese food.

• Are they going to eat Japanese Food?

• Yes, are they or no, aren´t

My book The book is mine

Your book The book is your

His book The book is his

Her book The book is hers

Its book The book is its

Our book The book is ours

Their book The book Is theirs

Who (Quien)

Whose (De quién?)


 What  what´s your name?

 Where (place)  where are you from?

 When (time)  when are you coming?

 How  how do you spell it?

 Who  who is your sister?

 Whose  whose house is that?



How much is this?

It´s expensive, that one is cheaper.

Do you have this sweater in white?

Bus Motorcycle It´s broken

Car Boat It doesn´t work

Airplane Ship Flat tire

Train Bicycle Out of gas



Important More important Most important

Fast Faster Fastest

Heavy Heavier Heaviest

beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful

Hot Hotter Hottest

Large Larger Largest

Good Better Best

Bad Worse Worst

Far Further Furthest


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