- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ejercicios de gramática en inglés

Enviado por   •  21 de Noviembre de 2014  •  Informe  •  406 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  207 Visitas

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Answer the exercises that come in the book on pages 90, 91, 92 and 93.

Page 90. Exercises:

1. Getting started – (elaborate your answers individually

and justify them).

2. Productivity at Magro Toys – Speaking 1 (elaborate

full individual justified answers)

Page 91. Exercises:

3. Productivity at Magro Toys – Reading 1, 2 and 3.

4. Grammar workshop – Expressing causes and results 1, 2

and 3.

Page 92. Exercises:

5. Productivity concerns – Vocabulary.

Page 93: Exercises:

6. Manufacturing and services – Speaking (elaborate your

answers individually and justify them).

7. Manufacturing and services – Writing 1 (work

individually your task).


-First I entered to my system and read the topic looking for information about the Exercise.

-Then I started to collect all the useful information.

-Then I went to my rubrics and started the elaboration of the exercise.

-When I was doing my report I also entered to Blackboard looking for further information and also checked in my book.

-Finally, with all the information in the report I started inferring in my results and that was when I finished my report.

Page 90. Exercises:

1. Getting started – (elaborate your answers individually

and justify them).

2. Productivity at Magro Toys – Speaking 1 (elaborate

full individual justified answers)

1. Productivity.

2. Decrease employees and incremented production.

3. Market Share.

Page 91. Exercises:

3. Productivity at Magro Toys – Reading 1, 2 and 3.

1. Grammar workshop – Expressing causes and results 1, 2

and 3.

Page 92. Exercises:

2. Productivity concerns – Vocabulary.

Page 93: Exercises:

3. Manufacturing and services – Speaking (elaborate your

answers individually and justify them).

4. Manufacturing and services – Writing 1 (work

individually your task).


1. Productivity: Is the capacity to do some activity or to elaborate some product.

2. Economy, politics, laws, organized crime.

3. Manifestations stops the production so there´s no productivity.

4. Not always, depends if there is also incomes.

1. Productivity.

2. Decrease employees and incremented production.

3. Market Share.

1. They automated the company, giving the opportunity to cut they payroll and optimize their resources.


1) 

2) 

3) 

4) 

5) 


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