Ensayo De La Contaminación (Inglés)
Enviado por Cachosaurio • 23 de Noviembre de 2014 • 314 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 1.481 Visitas
Diferences and similarities between Canada’s and Mexico’s polution
The similarities between Canada’s and Mexico’s pollution, is that it is produced by human activities, like fatory wates, which they throw to the clean water such as rivers, lakes, oceans, seas, this actions are such harmful to the ecosystms and the envieronement, because the water currents transport the wastes across the whole planet, contaminating the more and more animals and plants, and, if the plants pollute, the next step in the food chain will contaminate, and so on and so on, then if the sea animals are sick, the earth animals that consume them the cycle is more affected, and also, we consume both earth animals and sea animals so we also get affected by our own horribl actions, not also the factories have the fault, we also as normal citizens throw the garbagge to dumps, they are also some people throw garbage and their wastes channels and rivers, then the dumdp waste get either two places: water or get burned, which affects the air and the soil, and then that goes to the water, whic then restarts the pollution cycle.
The differences are that Canada is bigger, and pollutes less, because they are lee people per square meter, tan in Mexico, so there are more polluters, also, Canada has way much better environemental laws, so there the persons that contaminate have to rapair the damage and also pay a big fine, which is someone that we must do in here, because our cities like Mexico City specially is one of the most polluted in the world, also in Mexic City we have the great and shining Lerma river, well, I dont have to talk much about it we all now the degree of pollution in there , also when you enter Mexico City you can get to smell this example of human abuse of resources.