Ensayo Ingles
Enviado por albertacos123 • 30 de Abril de 2013 • 887 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 594 Visitas
Banning books in schools
Why schools can ban books? Sometimes schools have the right to ban a book because it is not proper for the students. First, schools can ban a book depending of its content. For example, if it is violent, it can influence in bad ways. Second, a book can be banned when the school doesn’t know its origin. The content of a book may be inaccurate, if the origin is not very well known. Last, schools have the right to ban a book when parents of the students don’t want that their children read it. For instance, parents don’t want books with adult content in schools. Next, I will explain when a school can ban a book for its type of information, its origin and for preference of parents.
The content of a book is one of the most important reasons to ban a book in a school. We know that many kinds of books exist, so schools just try to have the best books to teach from. Some books have different controversial principles against schools philosophies; therefore, schools can’t permit them. For example, books with violent content can affect negatively the thoughts of younger students. Books with violent content always talk about wars, arms, and murders. When the kids receive this information they can begin to imitate those actions. In the book The Freedom Writers Diary, the author of diary 56 writes, “someone shouted “fuck niggers”, a big crowd formed, and the fighting began” (117). The essence of the author’s argument is that someone offended black people and they began a revolt. If a younger student reads this quote, he might imitate the language and actions. I remember an incident of an elementary student in Mexico several years ago. The student always took comic magazines to school because he liked to read in his lunch time. Those magazines usually were of violent characters. One day, another student saw this kid in the school with a magazine of Spider Man and he tried to steal it. Then, the reaction of the owner of the magazine was very violent, and he punched the other kid. Both kids got suspended for three days from class. For this reason this content should be banned in the schools.
The source of a book is another important reason to ban a book. With this information, we can know if the content of the book is true or false. Some people publish books with spoofed content, and the readers get confused about the reality of the book’s topic. This type of books are good to ban because they can create problems the society. For example, you can find a lot of mini websites in the internet with false information that may cause negative impacts to the readers. Some authors of those books sometimes have racist ideologies, and the readers can protest over this issue. This is why these books need to be away from the children.
Some parents of students are much closed about some information that is necessary to know.