- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ensayo En Ingles

Enviado por   •  21 de Mayo de 2013  •  625 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  580 Visitas

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We know that , we need the cell phones in our lives but, these aren’t very important. We borned without them, why we need them in our diary lives?

A lot of people think that they can’t live without them, because their lives are in it, for me it is stupid.

There are some advantages and disadvantages about the cell phones.


You can carry a mobile phone with you so you don't miss important calls

If you are lost, you can call for directions.

If you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance - and if the phone has a camera, you can take pictures of the accident.

You can listen to music, text, play games when you're bored.

Most mobile phones have a calculator and a phone book.

You can use a mobile phone to call your customers or boss if you are running late to a meeting.

You can surf Internet & Connect with the whole world by Mobile.

You can chat & video conference.

Keep in touch with friends and family

Good for emergencies

Employees can keep in touch at all times.

Customers can contact staff 24/7

Phones have internet connection

More work available

They have cameras

You can check your emails

Can be used worldwide

It can fit in your pocket.


Mobile phones can be expensive

They can damage your ear

Sometimes the reception is poor in some areas, limiting your connectivity (you can't talk underground or on planes).

People use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems.

They can limit your face to face time with friends and family

They can get you in trouble at school

Can be hard to find the right package

Can ruin the connection to the computer.

Staff can abuse their phones if they have internet connection

Can be hard for older people to use.

Because of their smaller size, they can be easy to lose.

In my opinion the cell phone is important for communicate with your family, friends etc but it doesn’t all in our lives, we have things more importants.


Only sadness clouding us making us doubt, only sadness we dress and make us mourn.

Sadness is one of the basic emotions (not native) of human beings, along with fear, anger, disgust, joy and surprise. Induced affective state of moral decay. It is the expression of emotional pain by crying, her face downcast, lack of appetite. We often feel sad when our expectations are not met or when the circumstances of life are more painful than joyful. Joy is the emotion contrary.

Sadness can be a symptom of depression, which is characterized, among other things (general gloom


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