- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ensayo De Ingles

Enviado por   •  19 de Agosto de 2013  •  208 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  363 Visitas

Diagnostic Evaluation

1. What does writting mean?

Writting is a method used to express what we want to say but in a non oral way.

2. Do you know and apply a methodology for writting ? Which?

Yes, I just apply the ortographic rules to write in a correct way.

3. How do you define document?

A document is a written format in which you can establish certain rules or any other kind of ideas.

4. What determinates the quality of a document?

The ortographic rules and the formal writting are the main characteristics that determine the quality of a document.

5. Is it the structure or the format that defines the organization of the elements that form a document?

The structure is the one that defines the the organization of the elements that form a document.

6. Is it the structure or the format what refers to the general appearance design of documents?

The format is the one that refers to the general appearance design of documents.

7. What kind of academic works do you know?

Essays, Research papers, etc.

8. Do you know and apply a tool of the word processor that would help you structure documents? Which one?

Yes , the option justify to get the paragraph sentences alined equally.

9. Which tools of the word processor may help polish a document?

The ones as bold letter, underlined, highlighter and cursive.


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