Examen extraordinario de ingles ii
Enviado por • 19 de Enero de 2014 • Examen • 1.963 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 2.199 Visitas
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I.- Lee la siguiente conversación y completa con las mejores opciones.
A.- Hello.
B.- Hello. A.- My name is Manuel.
B.- My name is Nadia (1)_____to meet you. A.- Nice to meet you too. And this is my friend Carlos.
B.- Hi Carlos. And what do you do?
A.- Well, Carlos is an(2)________.He like electric devices, radios, TV`s, etc. I’m a teacher. And you?
B.-I’m a student and I have to go to my English class now. What time is it?
A.- It’s(3) 2:45____________.
B.- well, I have to go. My class starts at three o’clock.
A.- Oh, and what time does it (4) __________.
B.- At 5 five o’clock. Then I go home.
A.- Well good luck!
B.- Thank you. Good bye.
1.-A) fine B) nice C) good D) best
2.- A) teacher B) housewife C) doctor D) electrician
3.- A) a quarter past three B) A quarter past C) Two and a quarter D) A quarter to three
4.- A) Start B) finish C) teach D) leave
II.- Elige la respuesta correcta.
5.- What does your mother look like?
A) She is intelligent, kind and patient
B) She medium height and thin
C) They can jump and run very fast.
D) Yes, they are very intelligent and loyal 6.- What can dogs do?
A) She is intelligent, kind and patient
B) She medium height and thin
C) They can jump and run very fast.
D) Yes, they are very intelligent and loyal
7.- Are dogs intelligent?
A) She is intelligent, kind and patient
B) She medium height and thin
C) They can jump and run very fast.
D) Yes, they are very intelligent and loyal 8.- What’s your mother like?
A) She is intelligent, kind and patient
B) She medium height and thin
C) They can jump and run very fast.
D) Yes, they are very intelligent and loyal.
III.- Selecciona las opciones correctas.
9.- In the morning. I __________ a shower before having breakfast.
A) get B) take C) catch D) give me
10.- My sister __________ TV in the evening. She likes the news.
A) look B)