- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

General statistics

Enviado por   •  17 de Marzo de 2014  •  Informe  •  283 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  307 Visitas

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1) General statistics

a) “Unless you are involved in the drug trade, you are statistically safer in Mexico than anywhere else in North America”


2) Crime

a) is a form of punishment that involves executing a person after he or she has been found guilty of a crime

b) the purpose of this law ensures us that the individual cannot commit future crimes

c) Lessens the criminal issues of a country

3) Poverty

i) When this law was stated, the murder rate went down

ii) Individuals who committed the crime must receive similar punishment that equals the crime

b) It has become a vital factor to keep our society under order

i) The social retribution that the murderer must meet the same fate they gave to their victim

Title: Organized crime and poverty regarding Mexico.

Introduction: It is amazing the progress that has taken the crime in our country, in every state, in every city, in every village, in every corner of our republic. Organized crime is getting attached, forming large operational cells in accordance with the geographical delimitation, working hierarchically, are compressed to hide their activities, are linked and corrupt officials of any level, trains its members in or as in the army, they have a plan of action similar or identical to any legal commercial society.

Development: The media contribute to increase the perception of insecurity that has been created in the relationship between Mexico and the United States, exalting the figure of the offenders, demonstrating the inability of the police forces to combat this, all this in an environment of corruption which involved officials on both sides of the border.

Within the media there have been too many debates about the participation of the army and the armed forces in what leads to public safety. Everyone wonders, what does the army has to with crime?


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