- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  18 de Noviembre de 2014  •  Examen  •  325 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  194 Visitas

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Begin of the end? That way mark different specialists to last and mysterious project carried out by the government, in conjunction with the U.S. Navy and Air Force in the middle of Alaska.

HAARP stands for 'Advanced High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project'. In Spanish it would be, 'Programa de Investigación de Aurora Activa de Alta Frecuencia'.

To understand what we are talking about, the project consists of 180 antennas that will be working together as a giant antenna that could generate about a billion megawatts, ie one billion radio waves of high frequency.

These waves penetrate into the lower atmosphere (ionosphere) located up to 350 meters high, representing the Terrestrial ionized part, caused by solar radiation. In Creole, the energy there floating around the earth in the form of ions are concentrated.

This dangerous and controversial plan has the ability to trigger floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From the military point of view, is the worst weapon of mass destruction ever created, although it is disguised as a great science experiment for the good of mankind.

Even experts say that HAARP could have catastrophic consequences for our planet, from risky changes in the ionosphere, to the same manipulation of the human mind through these incredibly high frequencies.

The pulses emitted artificially stimulate the ionosphere creating waves that can travel long distances through the lower atmosphere and penetrate into the Earth. Among other things, this could serve to find stockpiles of missiles, underground, or communicate with submerged submarines, for example tunnels.

HAARP, with its hundreds of millions of watts of power, can be considered as a true "heating" of the upper atmosphere, causing a tremendous ionization can bring unpredictable consequences, and thanks to its "mirror" effect, could direct their effects to any area of the planet. That means, choose which part of the planet will be destroyed.

The creator of the project itself, Dr. Bernard Eastlund admitted that his invention could control the weather worldwide.


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