- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Inglish Pollution Triptico

Enviado por   •  25 de Agosto de 2011  •  789 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  1.302 Visitas

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Pollution is the addition to the ecosystem of someting which has a detrimental effect on it. One of the most important causes of pollution is the high rate of energy usage by modern, growing populations.

Different kinds of pollution are found. In this section we will discuss:

• Air pollution

• Water pollution

• Soil contamination

• Radioactive contamination

• Noise pollution

• Light pollution

• Thermal pollution

Soil contamination

Soil contamination or soil pollution is caused by the presence of xenobiotic (human-made) chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment.

This type of contamination typically arises from the rupture of underground storage tanks, application of pesticides, percolation of contaminated surface water to subsurface strata, oil and fuel dumping, leaching of wastes from landfills or direct discharge of industrial wastes to the soil. The most common chemicals involved are petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, pesticides.

The concern over soil contamination stems primarily from health risks, from direct contact with the contaminated soil, vapors from the contaminants, and from secondary contamination of water supplies within and underlying the soil

Caring for the soil

Caring for the soil. The floor may seem sluggish and lifeless, but is a vital part of thenatural world. It is composed of fragments of rock, like grains of sand, mixed with leaf litter in putrefaction, with the feces of animals and animal otrasplantasy matter

One of the ways you can do to look after the land is forestry, which through the cultivation of some species recover, forms the floor and makes it look more fertile. It is essential that we look to the balance of beneficial soil organisms, an ecosystem thatincludes microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, and species such as the worm

what not to do

Not to do to avoid contaminating the soil

We can’t lourn garbage

We can’t use pestisides

We can’t lourn woods

We can’t throw garbage

We can’t use chemicals in the soil


Aldo Fernando

Valdés Villanueva

Edgar Omar Lopéz Martinez

Alejandro Ortiz Santillan

Jorge Alberto Gomez Hernandez


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