- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

La Depresion

Enviado por   •  17 de Marzo de 2014  •  263 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  270 Visitas

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The Depression

Depression is a condition that affects mood, the way of thinking and self esteem of those suffering from interfering with the ability of individuals to work, study, sleep, eat and enjoy once pleasurable activities. Once we understand the meaning of depression we wonder what causes it?

Step I: It has been shown by doctors that certain substances responsible for transmitting information between neurons, called norepinephrine and serotonin, are not in the proper amounts in people with depression. But not only these substances are the cause of this disease, it is usually impossible to find an obvious cause, but it almost always due to a combination of factors, including the situations of daily life including the death of a loved one, stress, or a chronic illness.

Step II: Other research has shown that depression occurs more in some families than others so in part the possibility of developing depression is hereditary. But is just only a possibility there’s nothing concrete for that theory.

Step III: It is recommended for clinical treatment to combat it, for which there are three approaches, the use of psychological therapy or psychotherapy, the use of antidepressant medication and most effective of all a combination of both, although most people believe that psychological therapies are more important than the use of antidepressants.

The depression is a disease that can happen to anyone no matter their social status, age or sex, and may not be caused by the same reasons. It all depends on genetics, experiences, emotions, thoughts, hormonal processes, or some circumstances that trigger this serious problem.


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