Páginas para practicar con Juez Virtual
Enviado por Tugfazo • 11 de Marzo de 2018 • Apuntes • 335 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 143 Visitas
Jueces virtuales más conocidos
- hackerrank.com
- a2oj.com
- urionlinejudge.com.br
- uva.onlinejudge.org
Es muy importante que se creen una cuenta con el mismo usuario principalmente por comodidad.
A2OJ es un juez que permite crear contests con ejercicios de otros jueces virtuales, con el fin de poder practicar en un modo más real, además de que permite vincular los ID's de varias plataformas para poder evaluar en tiempo real.
A2OJ tiene varias categorías, entre ellas:
Información sacada de A2OJ:
Problems Count
1 Dynamic Programming 1155
2 implementation 1045
3 math 657
4 Greedy 594
5 DFS & BFS & Dijkstra 556
6 brute force 492
7 data structures 485
8 Codeforces Div. 2 - A Problems 461
9 Codeforces Div. 2 - C Problems 458
10 Codeforces Div. 2 - B Problems 450
11 Codeforces Div. 2 - D Problems 440
12 Codeforces Div. 2 - E Problems 434
13 Best Problem Setters 409
14 Binary Search & Ternary Search 342
15 constructive algorithms 330
16 sortings 315
17 graphs 280
18 Number Theory 243
19 Geometry 228
20 combinatorics 215
21 strings 210
22 trees 196
23 Network Flow 157
24 Codeforces Div. 1, D 157
25 Segment Tree 154
26 probabilities 149
27 two pointers 129
28 bitmasks 112
29 dsu 109
30 Matrix Power 90
31 Top Coder 84
32 #Errichto 78
33 games 77
34 MST,Disjoint sets,SCC 76
35 hashing 74
36 divide and conquer 66
37 Binary Indexed Tree 64
38 Ad-hoc 59
39 CUET 55
40 Codeforces Div. 2 - F Problems 52
41 Maximum Matching / Vertex Cover on Bipartite Graph 50
42 backtracking 40
43 Trie 38
44 Non-Classical Dynamic Programming 36
45 bfs 35
46 string suffix structures 34
47 expresison and parsing 33
48 Heavy-Light Descomposition 33
49 Meet in The Middle 28
50 KMP 28
51 0/1 Knapsack 27
52 Suffix Array/Tree 27
53 Balanced Binary Search Trees 26
54 The_scorpion 24
55 MO?s Algorithm (Query square root decomposition) 24
56 FFT 23
57 LIS 21
58 TopologicalSort 21
59 polynomial 20
60 ACM-ICPC Dhaka Site Regional Contests 20
61 All Pair Shortest Path (Floyd-Warshall) 18
62 LCA 16
63 Convex hull 16
64 Strongly Connected Components 15
65 EulerianTour 15
66 Aho-Corasick 15
67 back-tracking 14
68 Lowest Common Ancestor 14
69 LCS 14
70 Centroid Decomposition 14
71 Suffix automaton 14
72 Codeforces Practice List 13
73 Reasoning 13
74 2sat 13
75 line sweep 13
76 Hungarian Algorithm 13
77 Gaussian elimination 11
78 Coin Change 10
79 beginner 10
80 Strategy 10
81 Edit Distance 9
82 STL 9
83 TowerOfHanoi 9
84 Math Games 9
85 istasis likes dhinchak pooja 8
86 Heaps 8
87 DFS&BFS 8
88 Complete Searsh 8
89 Articulation Point 8
90 bit manipulation 7
91 ad hoc 7
92 Simulated Annealing 7
93 segment trees 7
94 Dijkstra 7
95 MCM & OBST 7
96 Persistent Segment Tree 7
97 Mobius Function 7
98 BinarySearchVariants 6
99 Square Root Decomposition 6
101 Randomized Algorithm 6
102 Simulation 6
103 digit dp 6
104 0/1 BFS 6
105 chinese remainder theorem 6
106 Bellman-Ford 6
107 Minimum Cost Flow 5
108 big numbers 5
109 Recursion 5
110 2D Range Queries 5
111 RMQ 5
112 Rabin-Karp 5
113 Minimum Spanning Tree 5
114 Game Theory 5
115 kth shortest path 5
116 Treap 5
117 matrix exponentiation 5
118 Optimization 5
119 SGU Problems 5
120 AI 4
121 Iniciante 4
122 Partitioning 4